Lonesome Peak Eldorado Wilderness, Nevada

Lonesome Peak | El Dorado Wilderness, Nevada

Hike to Lonesome Peak, the high point in the Eldorado Wilderness, Nevada, for an unrivaled view of this hidden landscape. The best time of year for this adventure is October through March in order to avoid dangerously high temperatures. Click the image or title above for details.

North Lonesome Peak | Eldorado Wilderness, Nevada

North Lonesome Peak | El Dorado Wilderness, Nevada

North Lonesome Peak is a great introductory adventure that will give you a good sampling of the Eldorado Wilderness. This peak, actually unnamed, is the Northern sister of the 400ft-higher, larger Lonesome Peak, separated by a high saddle with a spectacular view toward the Colorado River Basin and points far beyond. You could, instead, just top the closer Lonesome Peak, but North Lonesome Peak will give you a more extensive education in navigating the Eldorado Wilderness. Click the image or title above for details.

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