Overview | Blue Diamond Hill Southern Canyons | Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, Nevada

There are 7 deep, majestic canyons with smaller branches in the Southern area of Blue Diamond Hill. These canyons could be compared in size with Cowboy Canyon, the largest canyon in the Northern area of Blue Diamond Hill. The sheer vertical limestone cliffs surrounding these canyons, between 2-300ft in height, promise to contain a number of caves.

The Southern area of Blue Diamond Hill can be divided into 4 quadrants:

  1. North of the Gypsum Mining Road
  2. South of the Gypsum Mining Road.
  3. Blue Diamond Hill Gypsum Mine Property to the East (white area on the Google map).
  4. Public Wilderness Area to the West (green area on the Google map).

In the public wilderness area to the North of the Gypsum Mining Road, there are 2 deep canyons, some with smaller branches. In the public wilderness area to the South of the Gypsum Mining Road there are 5 deep canyons, some with smaller branches.

Click the images below to find details on the individual Blue Diamond Hill Southern Canyon adventures!

Southern Triangle

Approx. 6-mile Loop;
3,400 – 4,300ft
*Mostly Wilderness*

Blue Diamond Hill Southern Canyons, Nevada
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Blue Diamond Hill Southern Canyons, Nevada
Explore a few of the 7 little-known deep, majestic canyons in the southern area of Blue Diamond Hill in Nevada. Starting at Wheeler Camp Spring trailhead parking on Hwy 159, begin exploring canyons South of the Blue Diamond Hill Gypsum Mining Road.
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