Mormon Well Road
Directional Sign for 4WD Road System in the Desert National Wildlife Refuge
Mormon Well Road
Sheep Range Viewed Just Beyond the Beginning of Mormon Well Road
Mormon Well Road
Intersection of Gass Peak Road and Mormon Well Road
Mormon Well Road
View Up Mormon Well Road Through Yucca Gap
Mormon Well Road
View Down Gass Peak Road, Gass Peak in Background
Mormon Well Road
View Down Mormon Well Road Cross Valley to Mt. Charleston Wilderness
Mormon Well Road
View Through Yucca Gap: Sheep Range to Left, Fossil Ridge to Right
Mormon Well Road
Fossil on Fossil Ridge Just a Few Feet Off Mormon Well Road
Mormon Well Road
Fossil Ridge Wall Looks Like an Ancient Coral Reef
Mormon Well Road
Potential Ascent Routes Up Southern Tip of Sheep Range
Mormon Well Road
View Through Yucca Gap to Mt. Charleston Wilderness
Mormon Well Road
Southern Sheep Range Viewed from Mormon Well Road
Mormon Well Road
Mt. Charleston Wilderness Viewed Through Yucca Gap
Mormon Well Road
Mt. Charleston Wilderness Viewed Through Yucca Gap
Mormon Well Road
Mountain Bike Resting on Huge Joshua Tree in Yucca Forest
Mormon Well Road
View Down Mormon Well Road Toward Fossil Ridge and Yucca Gap
Mormon Well Road
Southern Sheep Range Viewed from Mormon Well Road
Mormon Well Road
La Madre Mountains Wilderness Viewed from Mormon Well Road
Mormon Well Road
Mountain Bike Resting on Joshua Tree at a Mormon Well Road Highlight
Mormon Well Road
Gass Peak Viewed from Mormon Well Road
Mormon Well Road
View Into Massive Yucca Forest, Endless Joshua Trees
Mormon Well Road
View Up Mormon Well Road Across Sheep Range Valley
Mormon Well Road
View Back Down Mormon Well Road Toward Sheep Range
Mormon Well Road
View Back Down Mormon Well Road Toward Sheep Range
Mormon Well Road
View Toward Northern Sheep Range at Pine Nut Road Intersection
Mormon Well Road
View Up Mormon Well Road Beyond Pine Nut Road
Mormon Well Road
Endless Joshua Tree Forest Viewed from Pine Nut Road Intersection
Mormon Well Road
View Down Mormon Well Road Across Sheep Range Valley
Mormon Well Road
View Up Mormon Well Road Beyond Pine Nut Road Toward Sheep Range
Mormon Well Road
View Up Pine Nut Road
Mormon Well Road
View Toward Northern Sheep Range from Pine Nut Road Intersection
Mormon Well Road
Canopy of Huge Joshua Tree
Mormon Well Road
South Sheep Range, Mt. Charleston Wilderness Viewed Through Joshua Tree
Mormon Well Road
Canopy of Huge Joshua Tree
Mormon Well Road
Northern Sheep Range Viewed Through Joshua Tree Forest

Lower Mormon Well Road | Sheep Range | Desert National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada

Route Overview, Lower Mormon Well Road, Sheep Range, Nevada

2 Main Sheep Range Access Roads

There are 2 main access roads in the Desert National Wildlife Refuge of Nevada: Mormon Well Road and Alamo Road. Each road has a number of tributary roads that lead to various adventures in the refuge–some leading to summits in the Sheep Range and Gass Peak.

Sheep Range Exploration Goals

My goal is to begin exploring the Desert National Wildlife Refuge by first mountain biking the main roads, then mountain biking the tributary roads. As I travel the roads I’ll be watching for trailheads and mountain summit approaches. Finally, I’ll return to explore the trails and summit approaches.

Lower Mormon Well Road Points of Interest

This adventure covers the lower 15-mile stretch of Mormon Well Road from the Desert National Wildlife Refuge headquarters on Corn Creek Road to the intersection of Mormon Well Road and Pine Nut Road. Points of interest are the intersection of Gass Peak Road at the 4-mile point; Yucca Gap between the Southern tip of the Sheep Range and Fossil Ridge at the 5-mile point; and the incredibly massive Yucca Tree Forest spanning the entire Sheep Range valley beyond Yucca Gap. We scope out future adventures on Fossil Ridge, Sheep Range ascent points at the Southern tip of the range and along the Southeastern section and finally, a look at an ascent to Sheep Peak from Pine Nut Road with a return down to Alamo Road.

Starting Point Directions, Lower Mormon Well Road, Sheep Range, Nevada

Take I-95 North from Las Vegas (about 30 miles from the Strip) where you will see a brown highway marker for the Desert National Wildlife Refuge on Corn Creek Rd. Take a hard right onto Corn Creek Road (there’s not an improved freeway exit, just a right turn). Continue about 3 miles up Corn Creek Road to the Desert National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center where there is usually ample parking. Just beyond the center you will see a directional sign for the 100s of miles of unpaved 4WD roads in road system for the refuge. Take a left for Alamo Road and a right for Mormon Well Road, the two main arteries in the system.

Route Observations, Lower Mormon Well Road, Sheep Range, Nevada

Slow Going on Lower Mormon Well Road

Don’t plan on making any mountain bike land speed records on this 15-mine 2,200ft ascent of lower Mormon Well Road. I’ve run a 26-mile marathon in 3 hours and 18 minutes. This 15-mile stretch took me 5 hours! There are fairly tame portions of road, but also long, steep rocky gravelly sections that bring you to a crawl. I could cover much more ground in this same time were I to run the bike by foot up the steep rocky stretches. Something to try after the plantar fasciitis heals!

Fossil Ridge

Curiously, looking at my close-up shots of Fossil Ridge, it almost looks as if it was once a huge ancient inland sea coral reef. I could be wrong, but the rock looks like frozen coral. See the slide show on this page. We’ll spend an entire day ascending and traversing a large portion of Fossil Ridge at some point this Winter.

Yucca Forest – Joshua Tree Paradise

The entire adventure is worth it just to be in the midst of the largest Yucca Tree/Joshua Tree forest I have ever seen. This has to be one of the largest on earth. The valley at an average elevation between 4-5,500 feet is the perfect elevation for Joshua Trees. They look like scenes from a Dr. Seuss book.

Sheep Peak Grand Loop Projected

I’m thinking that a future route beginning at the Desert National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center, then traveling Alamo Road to Cow Creek Road, then ascending to Sheep Peak followed by a descent to Pine Nut Road and then down Mormon Well Road back to the starting point at the Desert National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center would be an incredible circuit. One would need to fairy the mountain bike along steep rocky uphill stretches of road and along trails and ridges through the Sheep Range. But the adventure would be a legendary accomplishment.

Lower Mormon Well Road, Sheep Range, Nevada
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Lower Mormon Well Road, Sheep Range, Nevada
Travel the lower 15-mile stretch of Mormon Well Road from the Desert National Wildlife Refuge headquarters on Corn Creek Road to the intersection of Mormon Well Road and Pine Nut Road by mountain bike. Pass Fossil Ridge and Yucca Forest (the largest Joshua Tree forest I've ever seen).
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