Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Lake Mead from Hamblin Mountain Summit
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Starting Up the Route from Northshore Rd Mile 18 to Hamblin Mt.
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
In the First Canyon Wash Between Northshore Rd. and Hamblin Mt.
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
High Points in View As the Wash Toward Hamblin Mt. Opens Up
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
High Points From the Canyon Washes Toward Hamblin Mt.
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
First View of Hamblin Mt. Through Approach Washes
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Rugged Terrain in the Hamblin Mt. Area Formed by Water's Action
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Ascending an Avalanche Slope Toward Hamblin Mt. Summit Ridges
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Nearing the First Summit in the High Points Just North of Hamblin Mt.
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Traversing One of Hamblin Mt's Lower Summit Ridges to the North
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Hamblin Mt. Viewed from a Lower Summit Ridge to the North
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Crossing a Saddle to the North of Hamblin Mt.
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
First View of Lake Mead from a Summit Ridge to the North of Hamblin Mt.
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Pinto Valley from a Summit Ridge to the North of Hamblin Mt.
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Lake Mead Toward Overton Arm from a Summit Ridge North of Hamblin Mt.
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Hamblin Mt., Lake Mead and Fortification Hill from a Summit Ridge North
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Hamblin Mt. Summit Viewed from a Summit Ridge to the North
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Approaching Hamblin Mt. Summit
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Approaching Hamblin Mt. Summit
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Arrival on Hamblin Mt. Summit - Geological Survey Marker Says "Pinto"
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Bowl of Fire and Muddy Mts. From Hamblin Mt. Summit
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Northwest View from Hamblin Mt. Summit
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Lower Approach Washes and Distant Virgin Mts. from Hamblin Mt. Summit
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Northern View from Hamblin Mt. Summit
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Overton Arm of Lake Mead from Hamblin Mt. Summit
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Overton Arm of Lake Mead from Hamblin Mt. Summit
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Eastern View from Hamblin Mt. Summit
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Fortification Hill Viewed from Hamblin Mt. Summit
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Fortification Hill and View Toward Hoover Dam Area from Hamblin Mt. Summit
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Lake Mead, Black Mesa and Frenchman Mt Viewed from Hamblin Mt. Summit
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Potosi Mt, Rainbow Mts., Frenchman Mt., La Madre Mts., Mt Charleston Wilderness
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Gass Peak and the Sheep Range Far Distance
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Virgin Mts?, Jimbilnan Wilderness? in Far Background
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Main Return Trail Splits from Saddle Below Hamblin Mt. Summit
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Descending Into the Washes Below Hamblin Mt. Summit
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Just Descended this Brief Class 3 Dry Waterfall Below Hamblin Mt.
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Returning to Northshore Rd. Through the Washes Below Hamblin Mt.
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Left Turn Into the Main Wash Toward Northshore Rd. from Hamblin Mt.
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
View Back Up the First Right Turn Wash Toward Hamblin Mt. from Northshore Rd.
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Marbled Wall in the Main Wash from Northshore Rd Toward Hamblin Mt.
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Muddy Mts. Through Main Hamblin Mt. Approach Wash Above Northshore Rd
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Return Pass Through A Narrow Channel in the Main Wash Above Northshore Rd.
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
View of the Muddy Mts. as the Wash Opens Just East of Northshore Mile 18
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Muddy Mts., Bowl of Fire and Parking Area Across Northshore Near Mile 18
Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead NCA, Nevada
Back at "The Beast" on Northshore Mile 18. Muddy Mts. in Background

Hamblin Mountain in Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Nevada – Overview

Views from the Summit of Hamblin Mountain

Though Hamblin Mountain in the Lake Mead National Recreation Area of Nevada is only 3312ft in elevation, it is positioned in a location that provides an incredible view hard to match anywhere else in Southern Nevada. This is in part due to it having 849ft prominence and being the highest point within 2.72 miles. The summit affords one of the best views of Lake Mead down to the Hoover Dam area and up towards the Overton arm. There are full views of Fortification Hill and Black Mesa to the South and Bowl of Fire, Muddy Mountains, Anniversary Ridge, Anniversary Narrows area and Frenchman Mountain to the East. In the further distance one can see Potosi Mt., the Rainbow Mountains, La Madre Mountains Wilderness, Mt. Charleston Wilderness, Gass Peak, the Sheep Range, Virgin Mountains, Jimbilnan Wilderness, Gold Butte and other locations that are currently unknown to me.

To the North lies the Pinto Valley. Curiously the 1948 geological survey marker at the summit of Hamblin Mountain refers to it as “Pinto”.

Blind Desert Wash Navigation Adventure

In this adventure I navigated a series of blind washes to Hamblin Mountain, never having been there before, armed only with having seen a picture of Hamblin Mountain and knowing that from the summit one could look down on Black Mesa and Lake Mead. This was a study in navigating desert wash terrain with only a vague notion of the general direction to my destination, a notion of what that destination would look like and that it was the highest point around.

Hamblin Mountain in Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Nevada – Trailhead Directions

The trailhead is at the turnout just beyond mile 18 traveling North on Northshore Road in the Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Nevada. The unmarked trailhead is on the right (East) side of the road.

Hamblin Mountain in Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Nevada – Route Description

Discoveries Made Through Blind Desert Wash Navigation

As noted, this was a blind desert wash navigation experience. I made a few discoveries due to exploring the area:

  1. There is a loop trail that is fairly easy with just 2 brief class 3 dry waterfalls (pour overs).
  2. The high points are a strato volcano.
  3. Hamblin Mountain has an extensive summit ridge to the North that affords an awesome view of Pinto Valley and other landmarks not seen from the summit.
  4. You can approach the North end of the summit ridge by ascending a prominent conical rise via its avalanche slope.

Note of Caution Regarding Blind Desert Wash Navigation

I would probably not navigate blindly through desert washes during the Summer where temperatures can easily rise above 120 degrees. A wrong turn and losing one’s way could be fatal in these conditions. As it was, this day was the last Saturday in January where the average temperatures did not exceed 60 degrees. In addition, I was in a pretty well defined area between Lake Mead and Northshore Road. Traveling West would have eventually taken me back to Northshore Road in the event of getting totally off track.

Northshore Road Trailhead to Where the Wash “T”s out.

Cross Northshore Road from the pull-out parking area just past mile 18 head East along a fairly distinct but unmarked trail across from the parking area. Within about 100 yards the trail will descend into a large wash to the right. Continue East up that wash.

On this first trip I knew that Hamblin Mountain would be South East of the trailhead as it had a view downward to Lake Mead and Black Mesa. Black Mesa is approached from a few pull-out parking areas around mile 9-11 on Northshore Road, so is South of the mile 18 marker. Lake Mead is to the East…so , logically, Hamblin Mountain is South East of the mile 18 pull-out trailhead.

As the wash narrows there is a brief class 3 ascent, then the wash continues and eventually widens. At some point the wash will “T” out with a branch to the left and a branch to the right. Take the branch to the right. You can actually see your first view of the Hamblin Mountain heights from this “T”.

Main Trail from the “T” to the Summit

You’ll find a trail that appears and disappears that will take you South over a ridge and then down into another large wash where you will take a left and continue East. There is a pretty distinctive trail that angles up this wash and leads to Hamblin Mountain. This is the pretty well established North loop trail to Hamblin Mountain. The South loop on the other hand navigates from the mile 18 parking pull-out on North Shore Road circling to the South and East around the Southern side of the ridge system between the two main washes before ascending Hamblin Mountain.

Exploratory Navigation to the Hamblin Summit Ridge

However, I took another exploratory  route on the way to Hamblin Mountain. At the place where the initial Eastern wash forms a “T”, I traveled a bit to the left, soon to realize I was headed away from the area where Hamblin Mountain should be. So I took the “T” to the right (South), but then took another branch that split off slightly to the left and upward. Eventually I noticed a pretty distinctive high conical hill. Wanting to rise above the blind washes where I could see a larger view of the terrain, I circled around the mid section of the cone and then ascended its avalanche slope taking what looked like the most gradual avalanche ascent.

The avalanche slope is pretty tame compared to the East side of Mummy Mountain. There is no significant exposure. However, do not place your full weight on any of the large boulders. I don’t trust that every boulder is totally secure. And realize that too frequent avalanche slope navigation can lead to injury as I discovered last Summer when I explored the avalanche slopes of Mummy Mountain weekly and by the end of the Summer had a pretty persistent case of plantar fasciitis that is not completely healed even on this day.

North Side of the Hamblin Summit Ridge

Just beyond the summit of the cone there was a jagged rocky bluff that formed a higher summit. Winding around and up through the jagged rocky terrain I broke out into my first really grand view of the area. From this summit there is a saddle that leads to a further summit. In the midst of this saddle there is a barrier rock that spans the saddle. On this day I circled around below the base of the rock and to the right. Upon rising again to the saddle I noted that there was a shorter but a bit more class 3 ascent to the left and through the rocky area.

Navigating the Summit Ridge to Hamblin Mountain Summit

I continued above the barrier rock to the next summit which afforded an even more incredible view of nearly all the areas mentioned in the overview section of this page. From here onward it was possible to travel by trail for the remainder of the adventure. This summit ridge circled around to the Southeast, descended a saddle and then ascended to the summit of Hamblin Mountain. On the summit, there was a bit of navigating a few rocky areas with a bit of exposure to arrive at the very tip of the summit with the geological survey marker.

Return Trip Via the Main Hamblin Mountain Loop Trail

At the base of the final saddle before Hamblin Mountain Summit the main trail to Hamblin Mountain splits off to the West and winds down into the wash that will take you to the split-off trail to the right and over to the original wash. For a greater variety you also have a choice of bypassing that split off and continuing down and around the left side of the loop before eventually arriving back at the mile 18 pull-out parking area on Northshore Road.

Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Nevada
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Hamblin Mountain, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Nevada
Though Hamblin Mountain in the Lake Mead National Recreation Area of Nevada is only 3312ft in elevation, it is positioned in a location that provides an incredible view hard to match anywhere else in Southern Nevada.
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