Image Refinement Services for Web | David Smith | Las Vegas Area Trails, Nevada

Make Every Image on Your Website Work Harder!

Our image refinement services make a huge difference because the images on your website play a vital role in the overall performance of your website. 

How Do Optimized Images Help You?

  • Professionalism: Optimized images give your entire website a heightened professional look, and this reflects on the perceived professional nature of your business.
  • Comprehension: Well-placed optimized images help website viewers to comprehend your message 6X more rapidly. Confusion undermines trust, clarity encourages trust.
  • Conversion: Optimized images increase viewer response by a factor of 6X.
  • Retention: Optimized images help viewers retain your message in their memory 6X longer. If a buying decision is not made immediately, the viewer is 6X more likely to return and purchase.
  • Visibility: When image code is optimized, the visibility of your page on the search engines increases.
  • Website Performance: Large, unoptimized raw images straight from the camera slow your website down, repelling both search engines and human audience.
Image Refinement Services for Web | David Smith | Las Vegas Area Trails, Nevada

Image Refinement Practice on Over 6000 Images!

There are over 6000 images on That’s a lot of image refinement practice, plus over 20 years experience with Adobe Photoshop, the most powerful image editing tool on the market.

Over time I’ve developed an image refinement process involving over 10 separate steps working individually with each image. Yes, a close comparison of the images on pages created a few years ago and images on recent pages may reveal a dramatic difference in quality! 

Results of Extensive Image Refinement Practice:

  • Mastery of image selection. Discovery and placement of the best images.
  • Color enhanced in formerly hazy, grainy images.
  • Shadows lightened.
  • 3D effects achieved in many cases!
  • Large photo files reduced in size while visual quality increases.
  • Images are SEO optimized to fit page keywords. 

And, by the way, do you have the rights to use every image on your website? I’ll help you deal with that question, and introduce you to the world of ‘open source copyright-free images’.

Journalistic Legacy Website Qualifications Checklist | Journalistic Legacy Websites | Las Vegas Area Trails

What’s Included in Our Image Refinement Services?

Website Review: We’ll review your current usage of images.

Image Strategy Creation: With a good overall image strategy going forward, you’ll experience better results while avoiding re-work.

Image Replacement: In some cases where a more relevant image might strengthen your message, we’ll suggest and help you get that image.

Image Optimization: We’ll optimize the size of your website images and optimize them for greatest visibility on the internet Search Engines.

Image refinement can be like a website makeover!

Were you thinking of investing in a new website? Strategic image refinement can help you avoid that expense, while in many cases achieving a better result.

Are You a “Do-It-Yourselfer”?

I will save you or the employee administering your business website hours, even years of trail and error self learning and endless re-work. In a few sessions I will show you all my image refinement secrets along with how to create and refine your overall image strategy. I’ll show you the key tools you need and how to use them. Then, you can have at it. Knock yourself out while creating a great result! 

Optimize My Website Images!

Image Refinement Services for Web
Service Type
Image Refinement Services for Web
Provider Name
David Smith,
8305 Bay Dunes St,Nevada-89131,
Telephone No.5038169665
United States
The quality of your website images can literally make or break the attractiveness of your website, its draw and the results generated.
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