Lower Calico Hills Loop | Calico Basin & Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, Nevada
Overview | Lower Calico Hills Loop | Calico Basin & Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, Nevada
The Calico Hills form a boarder between lower Red Rock Canyon and the Calico Basin in Southern Nevada. These ancient sand dunes have been frozen into an artistic display of fantastic shapes, colors and designs. From a distance the Calico Hills are dwarfed by the larger surrounding formations. However looks are very deceiving as the closer you get, these formations become huge with 30-40ft sheer drop-offs. They’re actually a great playground for those who like to weave around amidst their maze of formations seeking the summit with its incredible view of both Red Rock Canyon and Calico Basin.
The Calico Hills can be divided into two sections:
- The Lower (Southern) Calico Hills: If you’re on the East side of the Lower Calico Hills, in the Calico Basin, the lower Calico Hills reach from just North of Highway 159 to a Northern point roughly equal to the Southern base of Kraft Mountain. If you’re on the West side of the hills, on the Red Rock Canyon Scenic Drive, the lower Calico Hills reach to just South of Calico Hills Overlook #2. They are characterized by their calico (reds and browns) look. The lower Calico Hills are mostly visited by hikers and light rock scramblers. This is a fun place for nature lovers to get an introductory taste of what it’s like to have an up-front direct experience of frozen sand dunes. While there are dangerous drop-offs to avoid, most people can get pretty far into the lower Calico Hills without intermediate or advanced rock climbing experience, skill and gear. Just be careful, don’t exceed your comfort level, advance by gradual degrees. And stay off the sandstone when it’s wet (within 24 hours of rain) or when it’s dark. The most direct route up the lower Calico Hills is called The Grand Staircase.
- The Upper (Northern) Calico Hills: On the East side, in the Calico Basin, the upper Calico Hills reach from the Southern base of Kraft Mountain to a Northern point roughly equal to the South side of Turtlehead Peak. If you’re on the West side of the hills, on the Red Rock Canyon Scenic Drive, the upper Calico Hills reach to an area not far North of the Sandstone Quarry trailhead area on the Red Rock Canyon Scenic Drive. They are characterized by their distinctive Aztec red coloring. The upper Calico Hills are characterized by their tall vertical cliffs and are visited by rock climbers who have advanced experience, skill and gear.
While there are no official loop trails around the lower and upper Calico Hills, it’s possible to piece together loop routes around both sections of the Calico Hills. These routes do not require advanced rock climbing skills. If you stay on the routes you need not exceed a class 2 (walk on an incline) or light class 3 (some light rock scrambling required) level of skill.
Lower Calico Hills Loop Route
This page is devoted to a route around the circumference of the lower Calico Hills referred to as the Lower Calico Hills Loop. There is no one loop trail, but a series of trails and routes. Here they are, beginning at the Red Springs Desert Oasis parking area and rounding the loop in a counterclockwise direction:
- Calico Basin Trail (East side of the lower Calico Hills)
- Wilderness Pass Between Calico Basin and the BLM scenic area of Red Rock Canyon (North side of the lower Calico Hills)
- Red Rock Canyon Grand Circle Loop (West side of the lower Calico Hills)
- Lower Calico Hills Trail (West side of the lower Calico Hills)
- Red Springs Ridge Trail (South side of the lower Calico Hills)
The video on this page and the route description below are designed to guide you and keep you on track through this series of trails and wilderness routes.
Spectacular Views Along the Lower Calico Hills Loop
The rock formations, colors and pines and shrubs along the loop give it the look of a huge bonsai garden! The best views are at sunrise and sunset as the light brings out the full beauty of the color in the hills adding to the overall display. And views along the lower Calico Hills loop are spectacular! On the East side of the loop in the Calico Basin, one can see Damsel Peak and its ridge system and the Las Vegas Valley, Strip and distant points beyond. Looking up toward the upper ends of Red Rock Canyon and Calico Basins one can see Turtlehead Peak and the expanse of the La Madre Mountains Ridgeline with the South side of La Madre Mountain as the high point. On the West side of the loop in the BLM scenic area of Red Rock Canyon one can see Mt. Wilson, Rainbow Mountain, Juniper Peak, Bridge Mountain, North Peak and the expanse of the Rainbow Mountains Upper Crest Ridgeline.
In addition, there’s Red Springs Desert Oasis on the Southwestern base of the Calico Hills in the Calico Basin with its peaceful boardwalk–a great place for a nice walk with friends and family who may prefer this lighter but truly rewarding nature experience over more rugged adventures.
Route Start Point Directions | Lower Calico Hills Loop | Calico Basin & Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, Nevada
From Hwy 215 in the Summerlin area, take the Charleston Blvd exit, turn upward (West) on Charleston Blvd toward the mountains. Charleston Blvd becomes Blue Diamond Rd. (159) as you leave the city. Take the Calico Basin exit off 159 (right turn) onto Calico Basin Road. Continue on Calico Basin Road about 1/2-mile to Red Springs Desert Oasis parking area.
Route Description | Lower Calico Hills Loop | Calico Basin & Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, Nevada
The loop route is not always clear. Trails will alternately appear, disappear and branch off to multiple route choices. So as you circle around the Calico Hills formation, keep the overall formation as your main point of reference. As you do so, trails and pathways will show up along the way.
Begin at Red Springs Desert Oasis on the Calico Basin Trail
This is a distinct, well-marked trail heading North along the East side of the lower Calico Hills. Set your sights on a gully passageway to the North between the calico colored Southern Calico Hills and the Aztec Red Northern Calico Hills. This gully is the wilderness passage you will take between the Calico Basin on the East side of the Calico Hills and the BLM Red Rock Canyon scenic area on the West side of the Calico Hills. You can see this first great reference point passage from the near the beginning of the Calico Basin Trail. The Calico Basin Trail is mostly on a sandstone slab surface. It’s an easy traverse that you can walk or run. There are trail runners who use this trail as part of their daily workout routine.
Ascend to the Summit of the Gully Wilderness Passage
The Calico Basin Trail ends at the base of the gully wilderness passage that divides the lower and upper Calico Hills. There is no clear trail during the ascent to the summit of the gully, and there are numerous route choices. See the video and slide guides on this page. Many hikers get off track in this gully and end up turning around short of the summit. The greatest mistake is to try to ascend the center or the right side of the gully. You’re likely to end up at a dead-end rock wall or drop-off.
On the other hand, stay to your left and stay high above the gully. Routes will alternately appear, disappear and split off. Avoid the temptation to take routes descending to the center of the gully. Keep to the higher routes. You can’t see the route ahead beyond the next boulders, but a way will always open up, and you’ll be able to weave around obstacles and ultimately ascend to the summit of the gully. This stretch is, in my thinking, the most beautiful stretch on the entire loop. There are tall, majestic cliffs on either side, sculpted boulders all along the way and incredibly beautiful pines spaced almost as if an artist had placed them as central features in the various scenes! Don’t forget to look back to see an ever-expanding view of the Calico Basin below and the Las Vegas Valley and beyond in the distance.
Near the summit of the gully, the angel of ascent will begin to decrease and the boulders will become smaller and easier to navigate. This is where you move to the center of the gully and continue to the spectacular summit. Here you can look ahead to see the scenic area of Red Rock Canyon, White Rock Mountain as the central reference point. Turn around and you can simultaneously view the Calico Basin and points beyond. The Aztec red cliffs above on the right (to the North) are the summit area just beyond the Calico Tanks on that trail.
Descend the Gully to the BLM Scenic Area of Red Rock Canyon
The descent pathway into Red Rock Canyon is much more distinctive and easy to follow. You’ll notice few, if any, spin-off routes. One new difficulty factor is that there are a number of squeeze points between boulders and huge sharp clumps of desert holly. You might want to wear long sleeves. I did not, and still managed to complete the descent with only a few minor scratches.
There are some interesting points to notice in the lower area of the descent:
- A natural etching on the left (South) rock wall referred to as “The Guardian Angel“. To me, it looked more like the Statue of Liberty, but what do I know?
- A cool tunnel channel through the sandstone that creates a great picture frame of Red Rock Canyon below. Again on the left.
- A small but beautiful natural year-round pool in the sandstone (ephemeral pool, similar to the Calico Tanks, but smaller). You’ll need to make very brief detour on the first gully channel splitting off the the left, view the pool then return to continue descent in the main gully.
- Advanced rock climbers on the cliffs to your right.
Take the Grand Circle Trail South Along the West Side of the Lower Calico Hills
At the base of the main gully, take a left onto a larger wash that runs along the West side of the Calico Hills. There is a high ridge on the opposite side of the wash, and if you look closely, you might see vehicles riding on the Red Rock Canyon Scenic Drive which passes along the top of that ridge.
Before you turn left onto the wash, look to your right up the wash to notice a large boulder only a few hundred feet away. That boulder is full of ancient petroglyphs. You might want to take the brief detour to see this historic boulder.
As you turn left onto the wash, you’ll notice a pathway (more along the far side of the wash). This is the Red Rock Canyon Grand Circle Loop. It’s a distinct, well-marked trail you can take all the way to just below the Calico Hills 1 Viewpoint parking area on the Red Rock Canyon Scenic Drive. The trail will pass below the Calico Hills 2 Viewpoint parking area (used primarily by advanced rock climbers). The Calico Hills are, as always, on your left as you continue this counterclockwise loop. The tall Aztec red cliffs will gradually change to the more gentle calico hills. You’re likely to see more rock climbers on the tall Aztec red cliffs during this stretch.
Don’t miss the point where the Grand Circle Loop ascends the Calico Hills, where the color change occurs and the coloring of the hills turns from Aztec red to calico. The trail will ascend, continue South for a bit, with spectacular views of the Rainbow Mountains, I point out the individual mountains and canyons between in the video on this page.
Continue South on The Lower Calico Hills Trail
Soon, the Grand Circle Loop Trail will again descend, cross the wash below and ascend the opposite (West side of the wash) to just below the Calico Hills 1 Scenic Viewpoint parking area. This is where the Lower Calico Hills trail begins, along the West side of the main wash (not far below the scenic drive). Continue South on this trail.
You’ll soon reach a point where there is a choice: Descend again into the main wash or continue on the Lower Calico Hills Trail above the wash. What’s the difference? If you descend into the main wash, as I did in the video, the terrain is more interesting and a bit more challenging. There are sculpted sandstone channels and rock formations down in the wash. The trail route winds around quite a bit as you follow the wash, and there is some light class 3 rock scrambling…nothing dangerous as long as you’re careful and take time to choose the route that winds around larger drop-offs. On the other hand, if you stay high on the Lower Calico Hills Trail, the trail is more direct, distinct and easy to follow and there are no significant obstacles. There’s a larger view, but it’s not as interesting.
Near the Southern base of the Calico Hills, there are a number of cool boulders. Two of the most interesting stand out. One looks like a massive tree trunk with a cool channel hollowed out through the base. The other has what look like ancient petroglyphs on the top face (but more modern graffiti on the lower sides). See the video and slide guide for a closer look at these boulders.
Take the Red Springs Ridge Trail Around the South Side of the Lower Calico Hills and Back to Your Starting Point
At the Southern base of the Calico Hills, you’ll begin to ascend the trail that skirts the Southern Base and takes you back to your starting point at Red Springs Desert Oasis. This trail is the Red Springs Ridge Trail. Look back to notice a huge cool boulder, miraculously hanging onto the Southwest corner of the Calico Hills. There is a split-off trail that takes you toward this boulder. Signs mark the trail as the “Calico Hills Overlook” trail. I think the boulder might be the Calico Hills Overlook. Not sure. I didn’t take it. Should have taken it. It’s just a brief detour.
Continuing up the Red Springs Ridge Trail, as you reach it’s summit the Red Springs Desert Oasis and boardwalk will again come into view. Here you have the option to continue above on the ridge or descend to the boardwalk. I chose the boardwalk. More interesting. And now, the interpretive displays on the boardwalk will have a greater meaning due to your close-up encounter with the Calico Hills. The boardwalk leads back to the parking area and your car. So does the upper ridge, which has a more spectacular overall view. Congratulations on completing the spectacular, moderately challenging in places, probably rated “difficult” lower Calico Hills Loop! You’ve created a life memory!