Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Mummy Mountain Viewed from the Lee/Kyle Canyon High Ridge
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
At the Foxtail Picnic Area & Lee Canyon Road Ready to Go
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Passing Through the Abandoned Girl Scouts Camp Above Foxtail Picnic Area
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Hudlow Hall, Main Dining Hall for Foxtail Girl Scouts Camp
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Forest Rd Above Girl Scouts Camp, Lee/Kyle Canyon High Ridgeline Background
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Foxtail Canyon Springs Trickles into a Beautiful Cove Under the Lower Ledge
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Trail Created by Foxtail Camp Girl Scouts. Note the Branches Bordering
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Steep "Ladder" Avalanche Slope Above Foxtail Canyon Springs
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
18-Inche Elevation Gain Per Step! Looking Down.
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Heading Up the "Ladder" on the South Ridge Bordering Foxtail Canyon Wash.
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Blue Sky Horizon Marks Arrival at the Lee/Kyle Canyon High Ridge!
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Lee Canyon Ski Area from 3000ft Above on Lee/Kyle Canyon High Ridgeline
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Upper Bristlecone Pine Trailhead from 11,000ft on Lee/Kyle Canyon Ridgeline
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Lee Meadow & Lower Bristlecone Pine Trail from Lee/Kyle Canyon High Ridgeline
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Harris Mountain and Approach Ridge from Lee/Kyle Canyon High Ridgeline.
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Griffith Peak from Lee/Kyle Canyon Upper Ridgeline
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Charleston Peak from Lee/Kyle Canyon Upper Ridgeline
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
McFarland Peak from Lee/Kyle Canyon Upper Ridgeline
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Lee Peak from Lee/Kyle Canyon Upper Ridgeline
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Sisters South, North, Blackrock; Macks Peak Backdrop from Upper Ridgeline
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
McFarland Peak (Left) to Black Rock Sister (Right) from Upper Ridgeline
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Cockscomb Ridge, Harris Mt, Griffith Peak and Potosi Mountain Distant Between
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Zoom in on Mummy Mountain Final Summit Approach from Upper Ridgeline
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Navigating Around Rocky Barriers on Lee/Kyle Canyon Upper Ridgeline
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Many Stretches Along the Lee/Kyle Canyon Upper Ridgeline are Wide-Open Easy
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Approaching Traditional Avalanche Slope Ascent and Popular Summit Route
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Closing in on Mummy Mountain. "V-Shaped" Cliff Summit Opening in Center
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Limestone Cat Walk on the Lee/Kyle Canyon Upper Ridgeline
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Final Stretch Toward Mummy Mt. Traditional Avalanche Slope Approach
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Entire Tree Trunk Suspended Upside-down in Air.
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Final Stretch to Mummy Mountain. Now on Traditional Approach Route
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Approaching the Final Approach Cliff Opening. Great Trail Along the Ledge
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Arrival at the Final Approach Cliff Opening. Fairly Easy Class 3 Scramble.
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Topping the Last Hill Before Mummy Mountain Summit
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Rounding the Final Summit Approach Hill. Horizon Marks Mummy Mountain Summit.
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
View Down the Mummy Mountain Final Summit Approach Cliff Opening
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Lee/Kyle Canyon Upper Ridgeline Between Mummy Mountain and Lee Peak
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Old Ancient Bristlecone Pine Skeleton Marks "V-Shaped" Final Approach Opening
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Arrival at Mummy Mountain Summit!
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Mummy Mountain Official Geological Survey Summit Marker, 1957
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
View from Mummy Mt Summit Toward Charleston Peak (Left) and Lee Peak (Right)
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Massive Mummy Mountain Summit Southeastern View
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Sheep Range from Mummy Mountain Summit
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
View Toward the Northwestern Portion of Mummy Mountain's Massive Summit
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
The Northeastern Cliffs Descent Route Skirts the Base of the Cliffs Ahead
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Looking Back on the Summit Area and Cliffs from Beginning of the Descent Route
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
View Down the Descent "Chute". Loose Rock, Steep Near Vertical Cliff Slope.
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Upper Portion of the Descent Chute.
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Mid-Portion of the Descent Chute
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Angel Peak (Gass Peak and North Vegas Valley Background) from Descent Chute
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Zoom in on Angel Peak from Descent Chute.
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
La Madre Mountains and Vegas Valley from Descent Chute
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Zoom in on La Madre and El Padre Mountains from Descent Chute
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Final Channel Below the Steepest Portion of Descent Chute
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
View Up Final Channel Below Steepest Portion of Descent Chute
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
View Through Final Descent Channel Toward Angel Peak
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Descending Avalanche Slope Below Mummy Mt. Cliffs.
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Many Beautiful Ancient Bristlecone Pine Sculptures on the Stretch
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Slopes Below the Cliffs Remain Steep, Loose Rock, Forested
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
View Toward Mummy Mountain Cliffs from Turn Toward Mummy Springs Trail
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
2nd of Three Washes to Cross During This Final Wilderness Stretch
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
View Up the Second Canyon Wash of Three Canyons
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Traveling on Lower Cougar Ridge Tr. Have Connected with Mummy Springs Tr Above
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Arrival at Deer Creek Park Below Cougar Ridge Trail
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Arrival at Deer Creek Road and Deer Creek Parking Area and Mountain Bike
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Mountain Bike Ready for Final 5-6-Miles to Foxtail Picnic Area
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Spring Mts, Nevada
Back at Foxtail Picnic Area! Completion of Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing!
Mummy Mountain Viewed from the Lee/Kyle Canyon High Ridge | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Passing Through the Abandoned Girl Scouts Camp Above Foxtail Picnic Area | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Hudlow Hall, Main Dining Hall for Foxtail Girl Scouts Camp | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Forest Road Above Girl Scouts Camp Heading Straight for Lee/Kyle Canyon High Ridgeline | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Foxtail Canyon Springs Trickles into a Beautiful Cove Under the Lower Ledge | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Trail Created by Foxtail Camp Girl Scouts. Note the Branches Bordering | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Steep "Ladder" Avalanche Slope Above Foxtail Canyon Springs | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | 18-Inche Elevation Gain Per Step! Looking Down. | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Heading Up the "Ladder" on the South Ridge Bordering Foxtail Canyon Wash.. | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Blue Sky Horizon Marks Arrival at the Lee/Kyle Canyon High Ridge! | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | View Down to Lee Canyon Ski Area from 3000ft Above on Lee/Kyle Canyon High Ridgeline | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | View Down to Upper Bristlecone Pine Trailhead from 3000ft Above on Lee/Kyle Canyon High Ridgeline | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | View Down to Lee Meadow and Lower Bristlecone Pine Trail from Lee/Kyle Canyon High Ridgeline | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Harris Mountain and Approach Ridge from Lee/Kyle Canyon High Ridgeline. Mt Wilson & Bridge Mt to Right. | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Griffith Peak from Lee/Kyle Canyon Upper Ridgeline | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Charleston Peak and Final North Loop Trail Approach from Lee/Kyle Canyon Upper Ridgeline | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | McFarland Peak from Lee/Kyle Canyon Upper Ridgeline | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Lee Peak from Lee/Kyle Canyon Upper Ridgeline | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Sisters South, North, Blackrock Sister to Macks Peak Backdrop from Lee/Kyle Canyon Upper Ridgeline | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | McFarland Peak (Left) to Black Rock Sister (Right) from Lee/Kyle Canyon Upper Ridgeline | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | View to Cockscomb Ridge, Harris Mt, Griffith Peak and Potosi Mountain Distant Between | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | At the Foxtail Picnic Area & Lee Canyon Road Ready to Go | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Zoom in on Mummy Mountain Final Summit Approach from Lee/Kyle Canyon Upper Ridgeline | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Navigating Around Rocky Barriers on Lee/Kyle Canyon Upper Ridgeline | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Many Stretches Along the Lee/Kyle Canyon Upper Ridgeline are Wide-Open Easy | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Approaching Summit of the Traditional Avalanche Slope Ascent and Popular Summit Route | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Closing in on Mummy Mountain. "V-Shaped" Cliff Summit Opening in Center | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Limestone Cat Walk on the Lee/Kyle Canyon Upper Ridgeline | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Final Stretch Toward Mummy Mt. Traditional Avalanche Slope Approach | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Entire Tree Trunk Suspended Upside-down in Air. Traditional Avalanche Slope Approach Seen Beyond | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Final Stretch to Mummy Mountain. Now on Traditional Approach Route | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Approaching the Final Approach Cliff Opening. Great Trail Along the Ledge | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Arrival at the Final Approach Cliff Opening. Fairly Easy Class 3 Scramble. | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | In Final Approach Cliff Opening Topping the Last Hill Before Mummy Mountain Summit | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Rounding the Final Summit Approach Hill. Horizon Marks Mummy Mountain Summit. | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | View Down the Mummy Mountain Final Summit Approach Cliff Opening | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Great View of Entire Lee/Kyle Canyon Upper Ridgeline Between Mummy Mountain and Lee Peak. Charleston Peak Center | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Old Ancient Bristlecone Pine Skeleton Marks "V-Shaped" Final Approach Opening | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Arrival at Mummy Mountain Summit! | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Mummy Mountain Official Geological Survey Summit Marker, 1957 | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | View from Mummy Mt Summit Toward Charleston Peak (Left) and Lee Peak (Right) | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Massive Mummy Mountain Summit Southeastern View | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Sheep Range from Mummy Mountain Summit | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | View Toward the Northwestern Portion of Mummy Mountain's Massive Summit | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | The Northeastern Cliffs Descent Route Skirts the Base of the Cliffs Ahead | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Looking Back on the Summit Area and Cliffs from Beginning of the Descent Route | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | View Down the Descent "Chute". Loose Rock, Steep Near Vertical Cliff Slope. | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Upper Portion of the Descent Chute. | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Mid-Portion of the Descent Chute | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Angel Peak (Gass Peak and North Vegas Valley Background) from Descent Chute | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Zoom in on Angel Peak from Descent Chute. | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | La Madre Mountains and Vegas Valley from Descent Chute | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Zoom in on La Madre and El Padre Mountains from Descent Chute | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Final Channel Below the Steepest Portion of Descent Chute | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | View Up Final Channel Below Steepest Portion of Descent Chute | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | View Through Final Descent Channel Toward Angel Peak | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Descending Avalanche Slope Below Mummy Mt. Cliffs. | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Many Beautiful Ancient Bristlecone Pines on the Stretch | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Slopes Below the Cliffs Remain Steep, Loose Rock, Forested | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | View Back Up Toward Mummy Mountain Cliffs from Point Where Route Turns Toward Mummy Springs Trail Connection | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | 2nd of Three Washes to Cross During This Final Wilderness Stretch | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | View Up the Second Canyon Wash of Three Canyons | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Traveling on Lower Cougar Ridge Trail Having Connected with Mummy Springs Trail Far Above | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Arrival at Deer Creek Park Below Cougar Ridge Trail | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Arrival at Deer Creek Road and Deer Creek Parking Area Where Mountain Bike Was Earlier Stashed | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Mountain Bike Now Ready for Final 5-6-Mile Stretch from Deer Creek Picnic Area to Foxtail Picnic Area | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada | Arrival Back at Foxtail Picnic Area! Completion of Mummy Mountain Grand Loop! | Mummy Mountain Grand Crossing | Lee Canyon to Deer Creek Road | Mt Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada |

Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Foxtail Canyon > Mummy Summit > Deer Creek Road | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada

Overview – Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Foxtail Canyon > Mummy Summit > Deer Creek Road | Spring Mountains, Nevada

Mummy Mt Grand Crossing Route Description

This adventure begins at the Foxtail Picnic Area in Lee Canyon. From there ascend through the picnic area, an abandoned Girl Scouts camp and on up to the Lee/Kyle Canyon summit rim. Take a left to connect in about a mile with the main Mummy Mountain summit route, taken by many who start at the Trail Canyon Trailhead in Kyle Canyon. Only, in this case you connect with the summit route near the final summit approach to Mummy Mountain.

After summiting Mummy Mountain, head down the avalanche slope chute on the opposite side of the mountain, the Eastern cliffs area. Navigate over to Mummy Springs and then descend via the Cougar Ridge Trail to Deer Creek Road. Take a mountain bike stashed there earlier down Deer Creek Road to Lee Canyon Road and finally to your starting point at the Foxtail Picnic Area.

Mummy Mt Grand Crossing Preparation

I recommend a base conditioning level of at least 5-miles running 4 times weekly along with one day topping 10-15 miles. Be altitude conditioned at the 11,000ft level, have wilderness navigation experience and ability to navigate very steep, long avalanche slopes.

In addition, have summited the Lee/Kyle Canyon summit rim at least once successfully from the Foxtail Picnic Area and summited Mummy Mountain from that rim. Also, have descended the Eastern slopes of Mummy Mountain previously and navigated through the wilderness to the Mummy Springs area and on down the Cougar Ridge Trail to Deer Creek Road. The links in this paragraph will take you to those adventure description pages, videos and pictures. However, once this adventure is completed you will see all the various parts together in one video on this page.

Route Starting Point – Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Foxtail Canyon > Mummy Summit > Deer Creek Road | Spring Mountains, Nevada

Take Hwy 95 North from Las Vegas. Turn left onto Lee Canyon Road (Hwy 156). Continue on Lee Canyon Road about 16-18 miles, passing that road’s intersection with Deer Creek Road. Continue on Lee Canyon Road to take turn-around and park in a long parking area on the East (left) side of Lee Canyon Road just below the entrance to the Foxtail Canyon picnic area. Note: The tables in the picnic area are by reservation only, so, unless you’ve made a reservation do not plan to set up a picnic at one of the tables.

Route Observations – Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Foxtail Canyon > Mummy Summit > Deer Creek Road | Spring Mountains, Nevada

I’ve previously worked out every part of this adventure. Today I put all the parts together:

  1. Ascent from Foxtail Picnic Area on Lee Canyon Rd to the high ridge between Lee & Kyle Canyons (wilderness, no trails)
  2. Traversing the high ridge to Mummy Mountain (wilderness, no trails)
  3. Final ascent to Mummy Mountain summit (trail, a bit sketchy in places but decent)
  4. Descent down the Eastern cliff of Mummy Mountain (wilderness, no trails)
  5. Traversing the wilderness below Mummy Mountain to Mummy Springs trail. (wilderness, no trails)
  6. Mummy Springs Trail to Cougar Ridge Trail to Deer Creek Picnic Area (decent trails)
  7. Mountain biking from Deer Creek Picnic Area to Foxtail Picnic Area (new adventure)

Major learnings that will come out in the video:

  1. Smoothed out the approach route from Foxtail Picnic Area to the high ridge between Lee and Kyle Canyon. The key is staying on the ridge above the Foxtail Canyon wash rather than descending into the wash near its summit. The ridge has a better surface, smoother going, conserves energy which will be needed later.
  2. Descending the Eastern cliffs of Mummy Mountain is slow, careful going and takes a lot of time. I’ve done this before, but was again impressed with the difficulty of this stretch. If you lose your hold you could slide a long way to a hard landing!
  3. Beautiful surroundings: Mummy Mountain is my favorite summit in the Mt. Charleston Wilderness and always like experiencing it for the first time.
  4. Temperature differential: The temperature on this day was between 110 and 118 in the Las Vegas Valley depending where you were in the valley. My temperature on Mummy Mountain and throughout this adventure was a comfortable 75-75 degrees!
  5. Time allotment: The adventure took 12 hours including 2-3 hours for filming and for rest. 
  6. Energy expenditure: I was spent during the final 1/8th mile approach to Mummy summit. Fortunately, the rest was downhill all the way and I had more energy at the end of the adventure than at the half way point on the summit.
  7. Definitely work out all the individual parts of this adventure before attempting the entire circuit in one day. It’s especially important to ascend the Eastern cliffs of Mummy Mt a couple times and descend at least once before placing that stretch within a larger adventure.
  8. The mountain bike on the final 5-6 miles on Deer Creek and Lee Canyon Roads was essential as opposed to walking or running that stretch! It was quite the refreshing experience to sit on a bike and coast downhill at the end of this long adventure. Alternately, if you have two cars, use them!

Overall, this adventure is tremendous fun and pulls together 2 large canyons in the Mt. Charleston Wilderness and gives a more familiar relationship with the massive spectacular Mummy Mountain!

Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Foxtail Canyon > Mummy Summit > Deer Creek Road | Spring Mountains, Nevada
Article Name
Mummy Mt Grand Crossing | Foxtail Canyon > Mummy Summit > Deer Creek Road | Spring Mountains, Nevada
This adventure begins at the Foxtail Picnic Area in Lee Canyon, summits Mummy Mountain, descends the Eastern cliffs and Cougar Ridge Trail, then takes Deer Creek and Lee Canyon Roads back to the Foxtail Picnic Area.
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