Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada Falls Flowing Strong During Spring Run-Off in Early May. Heavy Snow Winter. Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada Approaching the Trailhead, Spring Runoff is Already Visible Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada 1000ft Unpaved Road from Trail Canyon Trailhead to Mary Jane Falls Trailhead Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada Arrival at Mary Jane Falls Trailhead. Parking, Primitive Restrooms. Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada Begin Gradual, Increasing Ascent on Wide Trail Through Beautiful Canyon Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada Turn Right To Ascend Steeper Switchbacks Unless You're Going to Big Falls Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada Sound Like Faint Wind...It's the Falls Ahead Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada Artfully, Constructed Trail Aided by Stone Stairways Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada Spectacular Views of Kyle Canyon South Rim Toward Charleston Peak Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada Snowdrifts Remain on Trail This Early May Day Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada View Back Along Cliffside Snowdrift Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada First View of the Falls. Sound Increasing in Volume. Heavy Winter Snowmelt Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada Don't Miss Cave with the Spectacular View Just Beyond the Falls Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada One of Three Main Streams Cascading Over the Cliffs Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada Arrival at the Falls. All Three Streams Visible Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada Largest Stream Cascading Over The Cliff Edge Below North Loop Trail Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada Sight of Rushing Water Straight Above Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada Greatest Volume of Water in Recent Years Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada Multiple Streams Converge on the Way Down Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada Each Cascading Stream a Totally Unique Design Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada Rushing Toward Snowdrifts at Base of the Falls Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada Rock, Water and Snow Meet Here Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada Birth of a Mountain Spring Emerging from Beneath the Snow Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada Falls Viewed from Near the Cave Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada View Down Kyle Canyon from Near Cave Opening Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada Brief Easy Rock Scramble Leads to Cave Opening Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada Canyon View Framed Through Cave Opening Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada Additional Spectacular Canyon View. Endless Unique Views from the Cave Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada One of a Few Ambitious Cave Inhabitants Looking to Share My Lunch Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada Charleston Chipmunk, Found Only in The Spring Mountains Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada Approaching the Trailhead, Spring Runoff is Already Visible | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada 1000ft Unpaved Road from Trail Canyon Trailhead to Mary Jane Falls Trailhead | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada Arrival at Mary Jane Falls Trailhead. Parking, Primitive Restrooms | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada Begin Gradual Ascent on Wide Trail Through Beautiful Canyon | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada Turn Right Up Switchbacks Unless You're Going to Big Falls | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada Sound Like Faint Wind...It's the Falls Ahead | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada Artfully, Well Constructed Trail Aided by Stone Stairways | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada Spectacular Views of Kyle Canyon South Rim Toward Charleston Peak | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada Snowdrifts Remain on Trail This Early May Day | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada First View of the Falls. Sound Increasing in Volume. Heavy Winter Snowmelt | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada Don't Miss Cave with the Spectacular View Just Beyond the Falls | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada One of Three Main Streams Cascading Over the Cliffs | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada View Back Along Cliffside Snowdrift | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada Arrival at the Falls. All Three Streams Visible | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada Largest Stream Cascading Over The Cliff Edge Below North Loop Trail | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada Sight of Rushing Water Straight Above | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada Greatest Volume of Water in Recent Years | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada Multiple Streams Converge on the Way Down | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada Each Cascading Stream a Totally Unique Design | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada Rushing Toward Snowdrifts at Base of the Falls | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada Rock, Water and Snow Meet Here | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada Birth of a Mountain Spring Emerging from Beneath the Snow | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada Falls Viewed from Near the Cave | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada View Down Kyle Canyon from Near Cave Opening | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada Brief Easy Rock Scramble Leads to Cave Opening | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada Canyon View Framed Through Cave Opening | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada Additional Spectacular Canyon View. Endless Unique Views from the Cave | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada One of a Few Ambitious Cave Inhabitants Looking to Share My Lunch | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada Charleston Chipmunk, Found Only in The Spring Mountains | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada

Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada

Adventure Video

Only the Peaceful Sights and Sounds of Water

Mug Shot: Crime Ring at Mary Jane Falls!

Overview | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada

Mary Jane Falls is a great easy-to-moderate 1.6-mile hike to a year-round high cliff waterfall (3.2 miles round trip). If you want to see an actual waterfall (video and slide show on this page) vs. damp, dripping rocks, visit Mary Jane Falls in early May.

Altitude Conditioning with a Surprise Cave View

This is an excellent altitude conditioning hike to prepare for higher elevations in the Spring Mountains later in the Summer. The altitude at the upper end of the Mary Jane Falls trail is around 8,800ft. Don’t miss the surprise cave in the cliffs just a couple hundred feet South of the falls. Enjoy a spectacular framed view down Kyle Canyon from inside the cave.

Spectacular Views from The Mary Jane Falls Trail

There are spectacular views down the length of upper Kyle Canyon that keep getting better as you ascend the trail to the falls. Included are Charleston Peak, Griffith Peak, Cathedral Rock and the majestic cliffs that form the upper end of Kyle Canyon.

Best Time of Year to Visit Mary Jane Falls

The best time of year to visit Mary Jane Falls is mid-to-late Spring (April-May) as snow drifts may block the trail during earlier months and the falls dwindle to a trickle in later months. In addition, Summer temperatures at the altitude range on this trail can rise to near 100 degrees. 

Trailhead Directions |  Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada

Take Hwy 95 North from Las Vegas for about 25 miles. Turn left onto Kyle Canyon Road at the Kyle Canyon Road Exit on Hwy 95. Take Kyle Canyon Road about 20 miles. You will pass through Charleston Village. Just before Kyle Canyon Road takes a sharp left at the upper end of Charleston Village continue straight onto Echo Canyon Road. There is a sign for Mary Jane Falls at that point. In a half mile park at the Trail Canyon Trailhead parking area. Walk up Echo Canyon Road for another quarter mile to the Mary Jane Falls Trailhead. 

Route Observations | Mary Jane Falls | Mt. Charleston Wilderness | Spring Mountains, Nevada

Relatively New Trailhead Parking Area

I parked at the Trail Canyon Trailhead thinking that was the closest parking area for Mary Jane Falls. However, as I headed up the approximately 1000ft nice unpaved road beyond the Trail Canyon Trailhead I was surprised by additional parking along the road and a relatively new trailhead parking area with primitive restrooms at the Mary Jane Falls Trailhead.

Initial Stretch – Gradual Angle of Ascent

The first stretch on The Mary Jane Falls Trail is through a beautiful forested area with emerging views of the South rim of Kyle Canyon to the left (South) and the rugged avalanche slope at the base of the North rim of Kyle Canyon to your right. On this day, it felt as though nature was breathing a sigh of relief from the unusually deep blanket of snow cover during this heaviest snow Winter in years. New plant life had not yet begun to emerge from ground that was still damp from recent snow.  The angle of elevation gain is pretty gradual throughout this stretch of trail, but increases as you advance. The trail itself is wide with a gravel base.

Second Stretch – The Switchbacks!

This first stretch of trail ends with a sharp right U-turn up a artful stone stairway to the first of a series of switchbacks. Notice a log blocking continued forward advance. This log is to help hikers make that turn upward onto the switchbacks. On the other hand, if you step over the log and continue straight, you’ll find yourself on the route to another destination: Big Falls.

As you turn right to head up the switchbacks, the trail narrows, the angle of incline sharply increases and the view of Kyle Canyon’s South rim cliffs becomes more spectacular along each switchback. As you ascend the switchbacks during the high waterflow Spring season you can hear what sounds like a faint breeze gradually growing in volume until you realize you’ve been listening to the sound of water cascading over the cliffs above. There are not too many switchbacks…much more tame than the South Climb Trail toward Griffith Peak or the North Loop Trail toward Raintree. 

Final Approach to the Falls

Once you’ve reached that final switchback and continue along the base of the cliffs, the falls become visible ahead. On this early May day three distinct falls were visible tumbling over the high cliffs with the force of a firehose! Be sure to watch for the location of the cave in the cliff just a couple hundred feet South (to the left) of the falls. You want to visit that cave!

Spring Snow Drifts Along the Trail

There were still snow drifts at the base of the falls on this day. It’s always a wonder to observe streams of water emerging from beneath a high mountain snow drift and realize you are seeing the very birth of a creek! Enjoy gazing straight up the high vertical cliffs above to see water cascading downward toward you. There’s nothing like the energy of water rushing in your direction!

The Cave with the Spectacular View

Now it’s time to head over to the cave. There is a kind of trail leading to brief tame scramble up the rock surface into the mouth of the cave above. As you enter the cave and turn around, the sudden view is shocking! There, before you, is the length of the upper end of Kyle Canyon beautifully framed by the cave opening and the surrounding trees. This is one of the great photo opportunities in the Mt. Charleston Wilderness. 

Permanent Cave Inhabitants

I think many people spend time resting in the cave, enjoying the view and a refreshing snack. The chipmunks in the area have also made this realization. They’re waiting for you and will boldly approach looking to share your lunch.

Identity: Palmer’s Chipmunk (Charleston Chipmunk), found only in the Spring Mountains and nowhere else on earth!

Returning to the Trailhead

Well, the moment finally arrives to leave this incredible scene and head back to the trailhead. Be encouraged by the fact that it’s literally downhill all the way!  

Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada
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Mary Jane Falls | Mt Charleston Wilderness, Nevada
Mary Jane Falls is a moderate 3.2-mile round trip hike in Nevada's Mt. Charleston Wilderness from a convenient trailhead just beyond Charleston Village. To see the falls at their best, visit them in mid-to-late Spring.
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