Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada An Important Landmark for Wilderness Navigation Seen from Distant High Points Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Landmark Bluff from Rainbow Mountains Upper Crest Ridgeline Near Little Zion Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Landmark Bluff At Salt Grass Road Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Landmark Bluff from Rainbow Mountains Upper Crest Ridgeline at Mt. Wilson Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada View of Mt. Wilson from Same Spot on Rainbow Mt. Upper Crest Ridgeline Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada View North on Rainbow Mountains Upper Crest Ridgeline Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Landmark Bluff from Red Rock Summit on Wilson Ridgeline Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Landmark Bluff from Red Rock Summit Loop on Wilson Ridgeline Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Landmark Bluff from Wilson Ridge Southern High Point at 8,500ft Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Landmark Bluff from Harris Mt. Summit at Summit of Wilson Ridgeline Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Landmark Bluff from Griffith Peak at Summit of Sexton Ridgeline Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Landmark Bluff from Griffith/Harris Saddle at Upper End of Lovell Canyon Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Starting Point on Lovell Canyon & Rainbow Spring Roads Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Begin by Entering a Wash Across Lovell Canyon Road Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Ascend from the Wash Toward the South End of Landmark Bluff. Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Ascending Slope to Skirt the Base of Landmark Bluff on the Way South Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Eastern Side of Landmark Bluff is Guarded in Most Places by Vertical Headwalls Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada View Toward the Northern End of Landmark Bluff. Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Highway 160 in View to the East as it Ascends Toward Potosi Mountain Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Beautiful Joshua Tree Forest. Rainbow Mts. & Wilson Ridgelines Backdrop. Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Nearing the Southeast Edge of Landmark Bluff Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Looking Back Along the SE Corner of the Bluff Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada View Southeast Up Highway 160 to Rainbow Mts. Ridgeline and Potosi Mt. Area. Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Rounding Southeast Edge of Landmark Bluff. Nopah Range Coming into View. Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Perfect Discus-Shaped Engelmann Prickly Pear Cactus Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Lonely 4X4 Post on South Side of the Bluff. Purpose Unknown. Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Traversing Surprisingly Long South Side of the Buff Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Approaching Southwest Edge of the Bluff Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Potential Summit Approach Near SW Edge. Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Large View of Southern Side of the Bluff Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Southwestern Perspective of Southern End of Bluff. Note Summit a Approach Gully Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada S and W Side of Bluff Open to Target Shooting. Avoid Active Target Shooting Days Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Rounding Southwestern Corner of Bluff Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Unique View of Charleston, Griffith & Harris Peaks Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Entering Southern Canyon on West Side of Bluff Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Note the Large Cave on Canyon's North Side Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada How Far Back Does This Large Limestone Cave Go? Worth a Future Adventure! Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Entering the Southern Canyon. Note the Many Vertical Ledges. Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Will Summit via Gradual Incline to the Right. Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Ascending Gradual Slope Toward Southern Summit Area Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Achieved Southern Summit. View Along Summit Line Toward Nopah Range Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Larger View Over Summit Ledge Toward Nopah Range. Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada View West Toward Pahrump, Black Mts., Funeral Mts., Death Valley Beyond Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada SW View Toward Black Mts., Eastern Edge of Death Valley Over the Range. Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada View West To Black Mts. Dim Outline of Telescope & Wildrose Peaks. Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada View to Pahrump and Mountains Beyond. Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Ascending Toward High Point on South Summit Ridge Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Hidden Cactus Garden Along the Way Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Artistic View Toward Potosi Mt. Above Highway 160 Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Next Ridgeline Stretch Guarded by Cliffs. Potential Passage Along Left Cliff Base. Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada View Along Western Edge of the Bluff Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Higher View Toward Potosi Mt. Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Back on Bluff's Westside Road Heading Toward Next Canyon North Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Next Canyon Opening Ahead. More Gradual Summit Approaches in That Canyon. Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada W Road Divide. Right Toward Next Canyon, Left Connects with CC Spring Rd. Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Entering Next Canyon. Mule Spring in This Canyon. Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Note More Gradual Summit Inclines in This Canyon Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Bluff's Western Summit Line Ahead in Mule Spring Canyon Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada More of the Bluff's Western Summit Line in This Canyon Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Road Ends. Trail Continues Toward Mule Spring. Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Arrival at Mule Spring. Surrounded by Cliff Walls Making it a Box Canyon. Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Heading Back Down Bluff's Westside Road. Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Streamlined Return Trip. Now on Powerline Maintenance Road, South Side of Bluff Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Returning to Rainbow Spring Road via a Canyon Road Along East Side of Bluff. An Important Landmark for Wilderness Navigation Seen from Distant High Points | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Landmark Bluff At Salt Grass Road | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Landmark Bluff from Rainbow Mountains Upper Crest Ridgeline Near Little Zion Area | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Landmark Bluff from Rainbow Mountains Upper Crest Ridgeline at Mt. Wilson | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada View of Mt. Wilson from Same Spot on Rainbow Mt. Upper Crest Ridgeline | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada View North of Rainbow Mountains Upper Crest Ridgeline at that Spot | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Landmark Bluff from Red Rock Summit on Wilson Ridgeline. | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Landmark Bluff from Red Rock Summit Loop on Wilson Ridgeline | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Landmark Bluff from Wilson Ridge Southern High Point 8,500ft | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Landmark Bluff from Harris Mt. Summit at Summit of Wilson Ridgeline | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Landmark Bluff from Griffith Peak at Summit of Sexton Ridgeline | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Landmark Bluff from Griffith/Harris Saddle at Upper End of Lovell Canyon | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Starting Point on Lovell Canyon & Rainbow Spring Roads | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Begin by Entering a Wash Across Lovell Canyon Road | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Ascend from the Wash Toward the South End of Landmark Bluff. | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Ascending Slope to Skirt the Base of Landmark Bluff on the Way South | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada The Eastern Side of Landmark Bluff is Guarded in Most Places by Vertical Headwalls | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada View Toward the Northern End of Landmark Bluff. | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Highway 160 in View to the East as it Ascends Toward Potosi Mountain. | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Beautiful Joshua Tree Forest Landscape with Rainbow Mts. & Wilson Ridgelines Backdrop. | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Nearing the Southeast Edge of Landmark Bluff | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada View Southeast Up Highway 160 to Rainbow Mts. Ridgeline and Potosi Mt. Area. | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Rounding South Edge of Landmark Bluff. Nopah Range Come into View. | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Perfect Discus-Shaped Engelmann Prickly Pear Cactus | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Lonely 4X4 Post on South Side of the Bluff. Purpose Unknown. | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Looking Back Along the SE Corner of the Bluff | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Traversing Surprisingly Long South Side of the Buff | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Approaching Southwest Edge of the Bluff | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Potential Summit Approach Near Southwest Edge. High Point Above Achieved Today from Other Side | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Large View of Southern Side of the Bluff | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Southwestern Perspective of Southern End of Bluff. Note Summit Approach Gully (left) | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada South and West Side of Bluff Open to Target Shooting. Avoid Active Target Shooting Days. | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Rounding Southwestern Corner of Bluff | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Entering Southern Canyon on West Side of Bluff | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Note the Large Cave on Canyon's North Side | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada How Far Back Does This Large Limestone Cave Go? Worth a Future Adventure! | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Entering the Southern Canyon. Note the Many Vertical Ledges. | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Will Summit via Gradual Incline to the Right. | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Unique View of Charleston, Griffith & Harris Peaks | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Ascending Gradual Slope Toward Southern Summit Area | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Achieved Southern Summit. View Along Summit Line Toward Nopah Range | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Larger View Over Summit Ledge Toward Nopah Range. | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada View West Toward Pahrump, Black Mts., Funeral Mts., Death Valley Beyond | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada SW View Toward Black Mts., Eastern Edge of Death Valley Over the Range. | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada View West To Black Mts. Dim Outline of Telescope & Wildrose Peaks. | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada View to Pahrump and Mountains Beyond. | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Ascending Toward High Point on South Summit Ridge | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Hidden Cactus Garden Along the Way | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Artistic View Toward Potosi Mt. Above Highway 160 | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Next Stretch of Ridgeline Guarded by Cliffs. Potential Passage Along Left Cliff Base. | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada View Along Western Edge of the Bluff | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Higher View Toward Potosi Mt. | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Back on Bluff's Westside Road Heading Toward Next Canyon North | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Next Canyon Opening Ahead. More Gradual Summit Approaches in That Canyon. | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Westside Road Divide. Right Toward Next Canyon, Left Continues North, Connects with CC Spring Rd. | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Entering Next Canyon. Mule Spring in This Canyon. | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Note More Gradual Summit Inclines in This Canyon. | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Bluff's Western Summit Line Ahead in Mule Spring Canyon | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada More of the Bluff's Western Summit Line in This Canyon. | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Road Ends. Trail Continues Toward Mule Spring. | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Arrival at Mule Spring. Surrounded by Cliff Walls Making it a Box Canyon. | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Heading Back Down Bluff's Westside Road. | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Streamlined Return Trip. Now on Powerline Maintenance Road, South Side of Bluff. | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Returning to Rainbow Spring Road via a Canyon Road Along East Side of Bluff. | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada

Overview | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada

Landmark Bluff: A Valuable Reference Point for Wilderness Adventures

I’ve been using this bluff for years as a landmark. It’s been valuable for finding my way back from pathless wilderness high points both throughout Lovell Canyon and in the Rainbow Mountains. Over time, I began to naturally refer to it as the “Lovell Canyon Landmark Bluff“.

Where is Landmark Bluff Visible?

The Landmark Bluff can be seen from such high points as:

Over time, I began to wonder, “What’s up there on that bluff?” “What do all these distant points look like from Landmark Bluff.”

Initial Exploration of Landmark Bluff

This adventure is the initial exploration of Landmark Bluff! Starting on the East side of the bluff at Lovell Canyon & Rainbow Spring Roads, the route makes a circuit around the South end of the bluff to the West side. The West side perspective is entirely different from the East side perspective seen from Lovell Canyon. The route continues to summit the South end of the bluff, then descends to explore more of the West side before returning to the starting point.

In the process, there are some cool discoveries on the wilder West side of Landmark Bluff!

Additional Adventures Projected for Landmark Bluff

Landmark Bluff is huge and will require at least two additional adventures:

  • Complete Circuit of Landmark Bluff
  • North/South Summit Traverse
  • Mule Spring
  • Southern Canyon Cave Exploration

Directions to Route Starting Point | Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada

Take Hwy 160 from Las Vegas toward Pahrump. The highway ascends over a “hump” (the Potosi Mountain area). There’s a saying around here, “Over the hump to Pahrump”. Well, you’ve just traveled over that hump. Around 4-5 miles from the point where the highway begins to descend toward Pahrump there is a well-marked sign on the right for Lovell Canyon Road. As you enter Lovell Canyon, that large bluff to your left is Landmark Bluff.

Route Observations for Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada

Skirting Landmark Bluff Base Southward

After parking at the intersection of Lovell Canyon & Rainbow Springs Road (lots of parking available), I crossed Lovell Canyon Road toward Landmark Bluff. There’s a wash immediately across Lovell Canyon Road that parallels that road all the way to Highway 160. After heading down the wash for about 30 yards, I ascended a ridge toward Landmark Bluff for the better ridge views. Closer to the base of the bluff where the incline begins to sharply increase toward the summit, I took a left and headed South along the upper base of the bluff. There are spectacular views at that elevation including Highway 160 all the way to Potosi Mountain, the Rainbow Mountains Upper Crest Ridgeline and the Wilson Ridgeline, all across Lovell Canyon on the East side.

Terrain on the South Side of Landmark Bluff

When you reach the Southern end of Landmark Bluff and begin circling around the South side above Highway 160, the length of the South side is surprising. Every time it appears you’ve reached the South edge, look ahead to see another ridgeline descending further to the South. There are three ridgelines and a canyon on the South side of the bluff. A promising summit approach ascends from the canyon. But today the goal was the circle around to the West side of the bluff to explore the lower terrain there. The South side also reveals a spectacular view of the Nopah Range.

Makeshift Shooting Ranges on the South and Lower West Side of Landmark Bluff

It’s clear that on the Southern and Western side of Landmark Bluff you are no longer in the regulated Lovell Canyon area. Recall all those “No Target Shooting” signs on Lovell Canyon Road? Well, on the South and West side of Landmark Bluff target shooting is allowed. There are parking areas far below near Highway 160 with targets a lot of debris left during prior target practice sessions. And, I found more than one target over a thousand feet above the lower parking areas along the upper base of the bluff. You might want to avoid traversing this area on weekends when there are likely to be shooters below. There were the sounds of firearms across highway 160 where it appears there is a more active target area. The gun ranges and much debris continue around the West side of Landmark Bluff. I even found a lonely bowling pin far from the road below.

Roads Along the South and West Side of Landmark Bluff

There is an unpaved, unmarked power line maintenance road along the South side of the bluff running parallel and just a couple hundred feet from Highway 160. There’s another unpaved road skirting the lower Western base of the bluff in a North/South direction. Incidentally, I used these roads for a rapid return.

Terrain on the West Side of Landmark Bluff

Just as the South side of Landmark Bluff is surprising in its length and with the hidden canyon approach to the summit, the West side of the bluff holds more surprises. When you’re looking at the bluff on the East side from Lovell Canyon, it appears to be a straight line ridge. Not on the West side! There are two large canyon inlets on the West side of the bluff. Both hold potential approaches to the summit. The canyon to the North looks the most hopeful for summit approaches.

Spectacular Views from the West side of Landmark Bluff

As you round Landmark Bluff and head North along its West side a number of unique and spectacular views open. There’s upper Lovell Canyon with Harris Mountain and Griffith Peak. But in addition, you can see Charleston Peak and the ridgeline leading all the way from Griffith Peak. And to the West, there is Pahrump with a backdrop of the mountain ranges on the East side of Death Valley: Black Mountains and Funeral Mountains…even the Grapevine Mountains further North. And beyond those mountain ranges, in the dim distance, you can catch a glimpse of the Panamint Range on the West side of Death Valley with Telescope Peak, Wildrose Peak, Aguereberry Point and Skidoo Ghost Town (requires a clear day and careful observation). And, the Nopah Range continues to be visible in all its glory.

Southern Canyon on the West Side of Landmark Bluff

That first canyon you encounter on the West side of the bluff after rounding the South end, holds a couple surprises. First, there is a large cave on the North side of the canyon, you can’t miss it. A road leads to the mouth of the cave mid-way up the ridge. That cave would be a great future adventure. It would be interesting to see how far in it goes, but be prepared with some caving experience and precautions.

Landmark Bluff South Summit

On the South side of the Southern canyon there are at least two summit approach gullies. I took one up to the bluff’s summit there and returned by the other (see the video). Both are class 2 climbing (basically a steep walk on loose rock, but with no significant exposure and no need to scale boulders of cliff walls). Views from the Southern summit are far more incredible than the views from below.

With the exception of the two summit approach gullies I found in the Southern canyon, the upper rims surrounding the canyon appear to be guarded by a series of vertical cliff walls. There are some potential summit routes, but the terrain looks pretty vertical near the summit!

Terrain Along Landmark Bluff’s Summit Ridge

One would think by looking at the relatively even summit line of Landmark Bluff from the East side in Lovell Canyon that traversing the summit ridge from North to South would be an easy walk. Not so when you’re up there! There are some vertical barriers that might be skirted without any rock climbing, but discovering potential class 2-3 routes will require more careful further exploration. There are many exposed ledges along the way. A good North/South summit route along Landmark Bluff will be a fun puzzle to decode. On this day I descended from the Southern summit and connected with the road on the Western base of the bluff.

Northern Canyon and the Road to Mule Spring

The unpaved road skirting the lower West side of Landmark Bluff divides at the next canyon to the North. The left branch continues toward the North end of the bluff. The right branch heads into the Northern canyon. That road eventually ends, but a trail continues all the way to Mule Spring, marked by a large palm tree the a spring-fed oasis. The oasis is surrounded by a wall of cliffs that appear to prevent further advance up the canyon. However, further exploration of the trail might reveal a passageway through the cliff walls. I look at a possible route in the video.

Terrain in the Northern Canyon

With the exception of the cliff walls creating a box canyon above Mule Spring, the West side further down that canyon appears to hold multiple summit approaches. There’s a much more gradual summit incline along the Western rim of that canyon.

Return Trip to Lovell Canyon

On this mid-November day, I turned around at Mule Spring in order to make it back to Lovell Canyon before sunset. The return trip was fast! I headed back down the Western road and took a left onto the powerline maintenance road just short of highway 160, then took that road back to Lovell Canyon. Just before Lovell Canyon Road you can take a left onto a canyon wash road that runs parallel to Lovell Canyon Road. The wash road will take you all the way to the intersection of Lovell Canyon and Rainbow Spring Roads. The wash road is far more interesting than walking or running along Lovell Canyon Road, and has no traffic!


Landmark Bluff is huge, and holds many fascinating areas to explore. A few of these include:

  • Complete Circuit of Landmark Bluff
  • North/South Summit Traverse
  • Mule Spring
  • Southern Canyon Cave Exploration

It helps knowing that however long you spend exploring the Western side of the bluff, the roads provide a quick route back to your start point in Lovell Canyon. It took me just a little over an hour to make it all the way from Mule Spring on the West side of Landmark Bluff back to my start point on Lovell Canyon and Rainbow Spring road. 

Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada
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Landmark Bluff | Lovell Canyon, Nevada
Landmark Bluff, at the lower entrance of Lovell Canyon, Nevada, is an important point of reference when exploring the upper ridges of the canyon. It can be seen from many points on the Wilson Ridge, from Griffith Peak and Harris Mountain and from points on the Rainbow Mountains Upper Crest Ridgeline. After using Landmark Bluff to triangulate my position on these wilderness ridges over many adventures, I decided to devote an adventure to exploring Landmark Bluff itself. Click the image or title above for details...
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