Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Artistic Terraced Dry Waterfall in Gateway Canyon
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Kraft Mountain Starting Point in the Morning Sunlight
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
View Toward 1st Stretch - Pink Goblin Pass
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Imagine Being Here When Those Huge Boulders Fell from Kraft Mountain!
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Is This the Pink Goblin of Pink Goblin Pass? (center-right)
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Topping Pink Goblin Pass, First View of Gateway Canyon Below.
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
View Back Toward Calico Hills and Beyond
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Descending from Pink Goblin Pass Into Gateway Canyon
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Turtlehead Peak in View Above Gateway Canyon
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
It Begins! Rugged Navigation Through Boulders, Dry Waterfalls, Other Obstacles
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
First Large Dry Waterfall to Climb in Gateway Canyon
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Gateway Canyon Artistic Twists and Turns Can Be Both Beautiful and Challenging
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Obstacles in Gateway Canyon Are Basically Constant, At Every Turn
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
The Smiley Bush in Gateway Canyon. Natural or Created?
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
10-15ft High Terraced Dry Waterfall to Navigate
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Obstacles Getting Higher! 20ft High Dry Waterfall. Watch for a Bypass Route.
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Looking Down from the Top of That Dry Waterfall. Found Alternative Route!
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
A Long 10ft Wall to Navigate.
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Looking Back Down to the Base of Another Dry Waterfall
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Terraced Falls. Imagine Water Pouring Down During a Flash Flood
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
15ft High Wall. There's a Bypass Route/Climb on Each Side
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
The Next Dry Waterfall Obstacle to Navigate. Deeper Than It Looks!
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
High, Narrow Canyon Walls Have Their Own Beauty
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Near Top of Class 4 Narrow Cliff Crack
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Looking Over the Edge of Dry Waterfall Sfter Ascending Cliff Crack
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
More Terraced Step Falls Artistically Placed. Note the Rock Layers.
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Emerging from Gateway Canyon, Jurassic Red Rock Frozen Dunes Appear.
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Landscape Change to Jurassic Calico Rock Frozen Dunes. Water Finds a Way.
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Turtlehead Peak Comes Into View
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Artistic Placement of Dunes, Rocks and Plant Life
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Heading Up the South Side of Turtlehead Peak. Reached 800ft Shy of Summit.
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
View Back Down from Base of Turtlehead Peak Toward Gateway Canyon
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Damsel Peak Comes into View
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Las Vegas Valley in the Distance Down Brownstone Basin
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
View Back Down Gateway Canyon from Higher Elevation
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
View Back Toward Gateway Canyon. Scattered Fallen Rock from Turtlehead Peak
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
At 800ft Below Turtlehead Peak Summit El Padre and La Madre Mountains Appear
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
More of Damsel Peak Towering Above Brownstone Basin
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
View Down Brownstone Basin to Las Vegas Valley and Strip
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Heading Down South Side of Turtlehead Peak Toward Brownstone Basin
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Damsel Peak as Backdrop to Brownstone Basin Jurassic Red Rock
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Almost in Brownstone Basin. Watch for Passage That Avoids Cliffs and Brush
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
One of the Jurassic Frozen Cliffs to Avoid Near the Base of Brownstone Basin
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Brownstone Basin, Unpaved Road Eventually Appears. View Toward La Madre Mts
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Exit Wash Over Hills to Right at 3,700ft Elevation. After Short Pk and Roadside Cliff.
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Here is the Exit Point To The Right of the Brownstone Basin Road. Head West.
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
View Back Up Brownstone Basin from First Hilltop to Right (West) of Road
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Hilltop View of Las Vegas Strip
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Mid and North Las Vegas Valley from Frenchman Mt to Gass Peak
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Back To Last Ridge Before Brownstone Basin Road (if headed in other direction)
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Kraft Mountain Comes into View - Where the Gateway Canyon Loop Began
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Arrival at the East Side of Kraft Mountain. Mt. Wilson and Potosi Mt. in Distance
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Rounding South Side of Kraft Mountain: East to West
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
South Face of Kraft Mt. Waning Sunlight. Gateway Canyon Loop: Dawn to Dusk.
Gateway Canyon Loop - Kraft Mt. to Brownstone Basin
Arrival at Kraft Mountain Parking Area and "The Beast", Center

Overview – Kraft Mountain, Gateway Canyon Loop | Calico Basin , Nevada

Gateway Canyon – Frequent Wrong Turn

Many hikers have mistakenly taken this route thinking they are on the Kraft Mountain Loop. I made this very mistake on my first attempt to do the Kraft Mountain Loop! In fact, during today’s adventure, I redirected 2 groups of appreciative hikers back to the Kraft Mountain Loop. Here’s how that error happens: Either way you take the Kraft Mountain Loop, you end up in Gateway Canyon for part of that loop.

Counterclockwise Kraft Mountain Loop Mistakenly Too Far up Gateway Canyon

If you take the Kraft Mountain Loop counterclockwise from the parking area, as soon as you reach the far edge of Kraft Mountain and begin to circle the mountain up a narrow canyon along it’s East side, that canyon is Gateway Canyon. It’s possible to mistakenly miss the next turn of the Kraft Mountain Loop and continue up Gateway Canyon beyond Kraft Mountain instead of circling Kraft Mountain and heading up Pink Goblin Pass.

Clockwise Kraft Mountain Loop, Wrong Turn Up Gateway Canyon

On the other hand, if you take the Kraft Mountain Loop in a clockwise direction heading up Pink Goblin Pass, when you descend from the pass into a canyon wash, that’s Gateway Canyon. Unless you take a sharp right in Gateway Canyon to finish the Kraft Mountain Loop you will continue mistakenly heading up Gateway Canyon.

Either way the mistake is made, to head too far up Gateway Canyon turns the intended relatively easy 3-4-mile Kraft Mountain Loop into a 10-12 mile adventure packed with class 3 climbing stretches and avalanche slopes!

Intentional Adventure on the Gateway Canyon Loop

On this day I intentionally set out to head up Gateway Canyon thinking it might be a short cut to Damsel Peak. Wrong! Between figuring out the best way to navigate 10-15 class 3 and class 3 barriers, I ate up so much time that I decided to just make a large loop out of Gateway Canyon, continuing all the way to Brownstone Basin at the base of Damsel Peak, and then taking Brownstone Basin down to a cross-over point back to Kraft Mountain. I call this the Gateway Canyon Loop.

Advantages of Taking the Gateway Canyon Loop

First of all, Gateway Canyon is beautiful with towering rock walls on either side of a narrow passage way. Gateway Canyon is also interesting with 10-15 unique dry waterfalls to navigate, each one requiring careful study for a best route. I did end up with a brief 15-20ft class 4 climb up a crack in the rock wall, but in all, the climbing portions were more interesting than scary…even to this non-climbing trail runner.

Another advantage of the Gateway Canyon Loop is the many alternative routes that present themselves. I came across no less than 12 alternative routes including a few routes over the ridge and into Red Rock Park, a couple routes to the summit of Turtlehead Peak, a few routes over into Brownstone Basin and up the canyons into the ridges between Gateway Canyon and Brownstone Basin, a route to the summit of La Madre Mountain (up the notch between La Madre and El Padre Mountains) and a couple routes to the summit of Damsel Peak.

And there are dramatic variations in the landscape between stark rock walls rising up on either side to more gentle colorful Jurassic era sandstone hills and cliffs with a range of plant and animal life that is equally varied. Views include the Rainbow Mountains, Potosi Mountain, Turtlehead Peak, La Madre Mountain, El Padre Mountain, Damsel Peak, Gass Peak, Frenchman Mountain and the Las Vegas Strip perfectly framed between hills and rock walls. All this and more makes the Gateway Canyon Loop quite the photo tour!

Trekking poles come in handy on the avalanche slopes but my non-collapsible yucca poles were a disadvantage while navigating the class 3 – class 4 stretches, taking one hand out of the stability mix in order to carry the poles.

Trailhead Directions – Kraft Mountain, Gateway Canyon Loop | Calico Basin , Nevada

From Hwy 215 in the Summerlin area, take the Charleston Blvd exit, turn upward (West) on Charleston Blvd toward the mountains. Charleston Blvd becomes Blue Diamond Rd. (159) as you leave the city. Take the Calico Basin exit off 159 (right turn) onto Calico Basin Road. Continue on Calico Basin Road to the end of the road. On the way you will pass the Red Springs Desert Oasis parking area as the road veers right and becomes Calico Drive, then Sandstone Drive. Sandstone Drive ends with the Kraft Mountain parking lot, on the left.

Route Observations – Kraft Mountain, Gateway Canyon Loop | Calico Basin , Nevada

Gateway Canyon NOT a Fast Approach to Damsel Peak

The video will show that I intended to take Gateway Canyon as a short cut to the South climbing route up Damsel Peak. Wrong decision! If you’re going to summit Damsel Peak from the Kraft Mountain parking area, it’s better to head East across the base of Kraft Mountain and then continue over to Brownstone Basin. The video on this page will show the stretch of the Gateway Canyon Loop from Brownstone Basin and back to Kraft Mountain that, if taken in reverse would be one of the quickest ways to reach the summit route of Damsel Peak. Another route to Damsel Peak’s South summit approach is to begin near Hwy 215 and Charleston Blvd. Navigating Gateway Canyon eats up too much time for a Damsel Peak adventure, especially during a first-time tour while taking videos and photos!

Damsel Peak Adventure Becomes a Gateway Canyon Loop Adventure

So, this adventure quickly focused on Gateway Canyon and a Gateway Canyon Loop. I began by heading from the Kraft Mountain parking area up through Pink Goblin Pass on the West side of Kraft Mountain. Though the incline is fairly dramatic, the trail is excellent and the views of the intricate colorful Jurassic era sandstone formations of Kraft Mountain, the Calico Hills and surrounding landscape are incredible!

Descending from Pink Goblin Pass into Gateway Canyon

As you begin to descend from the summit of Pink Goblin Pass, there are 2 trails splitting off to the right. Take the second split down into Gateway Canyon if you’re intending to do the Kraft Mountain Loop. On the other hand, if you want to head up Gateway canyon continue down the main trail down the opposite side of Pink Goblin Pass until it lands in the Gateway Canyon wash. Before landing in Gateway Canyon wash, I noticed a few potential routes heading off to the left, up and over into Red Rock Park. In addition, from the summit of Pink Goblin Pass one could explore Kraft mountain and potentially reach the summit. I haven’t yet tried this and so cannot attest to the difficulty factor.

Arrival in Gateway Canyon Wash

Once you’ve landed in Gateway Canyon Wash, you have one last chance to do the Kraft Mountain Loop by taking a U-turn down Gateway Canyon. On this day I continued up Gateway Canyon. At first the going is level, through sometimes deep fine sand and gravel. There are a couple additional routes up to the left and a couple to the right up the surrounding ridges. But within about 1/8th mile the canyon narrows and the surrounding walls become steep, high cliffs. Still, a few openings can be found to the right and the left up the ridges.

Navigating Gateway Canyon’s Dry Waterfalls

Within about 1/8th mile you will begin navigating a series of class 3 dry waterfalls that come one after the other with only a 1-200 feet between. Welcome to Gateway Canyon! The series of dry waterfalls does not end all the way through Gateway Canyon to Brownstone Basin. There are a few places where you find yourself faced with an impassible 20-30ft high cliff barrier. Fortunately, there are always cliff bypass routes to the left or the right. By the way, don’t attempt this route when the rocks are wet or on a rainy day!!

Route Choices Nearing Brownstone Basin

As you near Brownstone Basin the dry waterfalls taper off and the Jurassic Red and White frozen sand dunes begin to appear. The sandstone surface offers more traction, is gentler and easier to navigate (only when dry). The surroundings become more artistic and beautiful with lone pine trees growing out of the colorful sandstone surface.

As you near Brownstone Basin potential routes appear:

  • The first hard right turn is a canyon leading upward into the hills sandstone hills. This may summit and then descend on the other side. I have not checked it out yet.
  • The second is straight ahead and down into the Brownstone Basin. I have not check this out, but it may be the most direct route out of Gateway Canyon and down into Brownstone Basin. However, there may be hidden obstacles and drop-offs.
  • The other route leads upward toward Turtlehead Peak. This is the route I took.

Diversion Toward Turtlehead Peak Summit

I chose to head upward onto the Eastern slopes of Turtlehead Peak because I had previously descended and ascended those slopes a number of times to and from the Brownstone Basin wash. I knew that would work. At first the going was easy and the view was beautiful as I ascended a large wide white sandstone slope. The slope continued to where it became loose rock skirting the East side cliffs of Turtlehead Peak. I continued to rise along the base of those cliffs, up to just 800ft below the summit. I could have continued on and may well have hit the main Turtlehead Peak trail from Red Rock Park’s Sandstone Quarry Trailhead.

Descending Turtlehead Peak Down into Brownstone Basin

However, about half way around the base of the Turtlehead Peak Cliffs and by now on the East side gradual slopes of Turtlehead Peak it seemed a good place to descend into Brownstone Basin. I headed down to what looked like an opening a bit to the right. It was taking a chance because if that opening ended in cliffs or impassible brush, I’d need to turn North looking for the next potential spot to break through to the Brownstone Basin wash. The opening did indeed bypass cliff ledges. However, between the bottom of the canyon and the Brownstone Basin wash there was a 40ft wall of  thick brush! So close, I had to go for it. Fortunately, by removing only dry dead branches I was able to make it to the Brownstone Basin wash!

Down Brownstone Basin Wash

Once in the wash, I took a right and headed downward toward a point where I could take a right and traverse the remaining distance to my starting point at Kraft Mountain. The wash is easy to navigate with the only obstacle being the deep sand and gravel surface. Eventually an unpaved road appears as you continue down the wash. The big question is when to turn right (West) out of the wash and over toward Kraft Mountain. There are a few actual trails. I have taken some of these before, but they involve more class 3 stretches and avalanche slopes. I’d had enough of that for a day in Gateway Canyon.

When to Turn Right (East) Toward Kraft Mountain

I continued down past a peak and then a cliff face to the right (West). The key is to turn right and emerge from the wash near the same altitude as the Kraft Mountain parking lot. This means descending to around 3,700ft before turning right. If you don’t have an altimeter or GPS, just take that right after passing the peak and the cliff section.

Final Stretch to Kraft Mountain

Once you’ve taken the right out of Brownstone Basin it’s just a matter of heading straight for Kraft Mountain, which will appear after topping a couple of intervening ridges.

As you near Kraft Mountain, watch for a trail that will guide you to where you can easily cross the last intervening wash to connect with the lower portion of the Kraft Mountain Loop that skirts the Southern base of Kraft mountain leading you to the parking area where you began. That last intervening wash to cross is, of course, lower Gateway Canyon wash!

Everything I have described along this entire route is clearly pictured in the slide show and video on this page.

Kraft Mountain - Gateway Canyon Loop | Calico Basin | Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, Nevada
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Kraft Mountain - Gateway Canyon Loop | Calico Basin | Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, Nevada
Many hikers have mistakenly taken this route thinking they are on the Kraft Mountain Loop. I made this very mistake on my first attempt to do the Kraft Mountain Loop! In fact, during today’s adventure, I redirected 2 groups of appreciative hikers back to the Kraft Mountain Loop. Here’s how that error happens...
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