Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Iconic View of Manly Beacon from Just Below Zabriskie Point
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Adventure Begins Early Morning at the Lower Entrance to Golden Canyon
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Golden Canyon is Wide, Gradual Incline, Few Obstacles, Easy to Navigate.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Possible Remains of a Road Through Golden Canyon in the 1960s and 70s.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Sides Pushed Up to 45 Degree Angles Through Ancient Geological Forces.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
More 45 Degree Angled Walls. Red Cathedral Cliff Face Visible in Distance.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Continuing to Wind Upward, Nearing Red Cathedral Junction
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Red Cathedral Cliffs Mark Upper End of the Canyon.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Arrival at Red Cathedral Junction. First Trail Junction in Golden Canyon.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Spectacular Towering Cliff Walls at Red Cathedral, Upper End of Golden Canyon.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Telescope, Bennett, Rogers and Wildrose Peaks from Above Red Cathedral.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
First Sight of Manly Beacon from Red Cathedral Junction.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Heading Past Red Cathedral Junction Toward Manly Beacon and Zabriskie Point.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Golden Hills and West Side of Death Valley Viewed from the Base of Manly Beacon.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Circling Manly Beacon, Another Perspective from the North.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Arrival at Badlands Junction, Heading Toward Zabriskie Point.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Entering Badlands Loop Just Beyond Badlands Junction, Toward Zabriskie Point.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Closing in on Zabriskie Point, More Familiar Perspective of Manly Beacon.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Missed This Sign Toward Zabriskie Point Trailhead on My First Pass.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Circling Around Base of Zabriskie Point Toward Gower Gulch
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
More Iconic View of Manly Beacon Opening Up
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Just North of Zabriskie Point Gower Gulch Narrows Approaching Upper End.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Top Entrance to Narrow Canyon, Gower Gulch Origin
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Zabriskie Point Overlook
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
20-Mule Team Interpretive Sign at Zabriskie Point.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Zabriskie Point Interpretive Sign
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Interpretive Sign for Christion Zabriskie from Whom Zabriskie Point is Named.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Badland Exploration Interpretive Sign at Zabriskie Point
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Iconic View of Manly Beacon from Just Below Zabriskie Point
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Iconic View of Manly Beacon with Wider Surroundings.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Official Zabriskie Point Trailhead Off Parking Area Below Zabriskie Point.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Descending Into the Badlands from Official Zabriskie Point Trailhead.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Back at Gower Gulch Junction, Heading Into Gower Gulch.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Gower Gulch Mostly Wide and Gradual, Narrows Only at Upper and Lower End.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Interesting Cave in the Golden Hills Around Gower Gulch.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Continuing the Gradual Descent Through Gower Gulch.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Nearing Gower Gulch Lower Opening the Canyon Dramatically Narrows.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Looking Upward Through a Narrow Section in Lower Gower Gulch.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Gower Gulch Widens Just Before Opening Out Into Death Valley.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Arrival at the Lower Opening to Gower Gulch.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Take a Sharp Right. Do Not Try to Descend Into the Lower Wash!
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
One-Mile Return Trail to Golden Canyon Skirts the Eastern Cliffs of Death Valley.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
View Back Toward the Lower Opening of Gower Gulch.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Return Trail Toward Golden Canyon Trailhead
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Mineral Colors in Hills: Red is Iron, White is Manganese, Green is Copper.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Golden Canyon Trailhead Coming Into Sight
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
View Toward Northern Death Valley. Mesquite Grove in Foreground.
Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley, CA
Arrival at the Now Busier Golden Canyon Entrance and Trailhead.

Overview – Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley National Park, California

Golden Canyon, a Popular, Convenient Destination

Golden Canyon in Death Valley is one of the most popular destinations to visitors of the valley. This is because of its unique beauty and easy accessibility. The entrance to Golden Canyon is only a few miles from Furnace Creek Ranch and The Inn at Death Valley along the well-traveled, paved Badwater Road. And the entrance to the canyon has a moderate sized parking area with additional parking along Badwater Road.

Golden Canyon’s Geological Sights and Spectacular Views

Within a few steps you find yourself in a beautiful canyon with high walls that instantly take you back in geological time. In places it’s clear even to this non-geologist where walls in the canyon were once horizontal, perhaps on an ancient lake bed, but over time were pushed upward to 45 degree angles. And you can see the separate layers of sediment that were once an ancient lake bed. Further up the canyon there are surrounding hills that almost glow with a golden color in the sunlight. Turn around and you can to see Death Valley and a portion of the Panamint Range perfectly framed in the canyon opening.

Further up the canyon as you ascend some of the surrounding golden hills spectacular views of Death Valley open up including Telescope, Bennett, Rogers and Wildrose Peaks and Aguereberry Point in the Panamint Range across the valley.

Golden Canyon Fairly Easy to Navigate

Golden Canyon is just a unique spectacular place to visit, and pretty easy to navigate with very few areas where you need to step over obstacles — at least until you near Red Cathedral at the upper end of the canyon. More on that later.

50 years ago I remember my parents driving the family on a loop road through Golden Canyon. You can still see remnants of that road in places. Today due to successive floods over the years the road is gone and Golden Canyon is only accessible by foot.

Best Time of Year to Visit Golden Canyon

By the way, attempt this adventure only in late Spring through early Fall. Summer temperatures can easily rise in the area above 130 degrees!

Trailhead Directions – Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley National Park, California

From Las Vegas take Hyw 95 North to Beatty, Nevada. At Beatty Nevada take Hwy 394 (Daylight Pass Road) down into Death Valley. Take the split-off toward Furnace Creek. Turn left onto Hwy 190 and proceed beyond Furnace Creek. About ½ mile beyond Furnace Creek turn right onto Badwater Road. Continue on Badwater Road to the Golden Canyon turn-off on the left.

Route Observations – Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley National Park, California

Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point Route Options

As you enter Golden Canyon remember to turn around and look back to view Death Valley perfectly framed in the canyon opening. There is a sign at the canyon opening that indicates routes and distances. These are your main choices:

  • Red Cathedral at the upper end of Golden Canyon (about 1.5 easy miles one way, but with some light climbing and ducking through narrow openings near Red Cathedral)
  • Zabriskie Point, popular spectacular viewpoint in Death Valley (about 2.4 miles – fairly easy, but with some fairly steep inclines on gentle golden hills as you near Zabriskie Point)
  • Gower Gulch Loop (4.3 miles fairly easy traveling with some fairly steep inclines on gentle golden hills near Zabriskie Point, then some narrow points to navigate with a bit of class 3 downclimbing through canyon slots as you near the lower opening which exits that canyon just 1/2 mile from the opening of Golden Canyon where you started.)

Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point Fairly Easy Difficulty Factor

These are all fairly easy trails and I saw a number of families with young children taking these adventures. That said, you might be careful with young children around the lower opening of the Gower Gulch canyon. I’d be tempted to have them on a short leash or definitely holding their hands in a few places in that area. With young children, you might want to stick to the main trail that goes from the opening of Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point, then retrace your steps back to the opening of Golden Canyon and skip Gower Gulch Loop. However, for adults in fairly good shape include Gower Gulch Loop. It’s well worth it.

Loose Yourself in the Gentle Golden Hills. Explore!

In addition to the main trails mentioned above, you can loose yourself wandering around any of the golden hills in the area. It’s fairly hard to get lost. Just remember that when you want to find your way back to one of the main trails, be like water which flows downhill until it finds its way down into Death Valley. All downhill canyons lead to Death Valley. As long as you’re in the gentle golden hills and stay away from drop-offs you’re basically safe to explore. But once you get into rocky, cliffy sections all bets are off and its better if you have some rock climbing experience and equipment.

First Mile Up Golden Canyon

So much for the general lay of the land. Now here’s what you will see along the way. As you advance from Golden Canyon opening up the canyon you are between towering cliff walls on a wash that is generously wide: 20-30 feet or more. Watch for the geology that makes up the canyon walls. As mentioned above, in some places you will see evidence of formerly horizontal sediment layers pushed up to 45 degree angles. In other places the walls are solid rock. In still other places the walls are hardened composite (gravel washed down the canyon, hardened and then cut through by later floods until you have entire cliff walls of this solidified gravel rock).

Then, there are the gentle golden hills. They change throughout the day with the advancing sun, so if you traveled Golden Canyon one morning, you may get an entirely different experience passing through the canyon at mid-day or at sunset.

Junction: One Mile Up Golden Canyon. Don’t Skip Red Cathedral.

About a mile up Golden Canyon there’s a directional sign pointing up to Red Cathedral at the upper end of the canyon or Zabriskie Point and Gower Gulch Loop. Even if your destination is Zabriskie Point or Gower Gulch, take time to do the .5 mile trip up to Red Cathedral. It’s well worth it! There’s not only that fun final 200ft stretch below Red Cathedral where you’re scurrying through narrow openings, simultaneously climbing over obstacles while being careful not to bump your head on low overhangs. When you reach Red Cathedral itself you’re in a space surrounded on three sides by towering red rock cliffs, the walls of which are modeled into tall vertical shapes reminiscent of the huge pipes of a cathedral organ!

Take time to ascend the small path at the far end of Red Cathedral for an even better look at the Cathedral in addition to spectacular views of the Panamint Mountain Range of the West side of Death Valley.

Continuing on Toward Zabriskie Point: Notice Manly Beacon

After viewing Red Cathedral, head back down .5 miles to the junction with the Zabriskie Point and Gower Gulch Loop. On this day I first headed up to Zabriskie Point. You’ll quickly find yourself ascending the series of gently golden hills below Zabriskie Point. That large pillar you see slightly to your left is Manly Beacon. As you advance, watch how Manly Beacon will change it’s look as your circle around the lower right (North) side of the beacon pillar. It won’t look like Manly Beacon until you near Zabriskie Point where its look transforms into the iconic beacon pillar.

Badlands Junction

About a mile in you’ll arrive at another well-signed trail junction: Badlands Junction. Now you’re only about a mile from Zabriskie Point. On the other hand you can continue around the Gower Gulch Loop for 1.6 miles to its trailhead at the lower canyon opening. I headed up toward Zabriskie Point. Now you’re on Badlands Loop.

Many Route Options on the Golden Hills Below Zabriskie Point

On this day, at the upper end of Badlands Loop I missed the sign to the final 1/4th mile pathway to the official Zabriskie Point Trailhead and instead circled below Zabriskie Point looking for the official way up to the Point. There are a number of good approaches up the golden hills below the Point, all marked with “Not A Trail” signs, but many people head up the hills directly to the Point anyway. I completely circled the base of Zabriskie Point and finally gave up and ascended a small wash to the far side of the Zabriskie Point. No problem, there are many good routes up the golden hills immediately below the Point. Once on the Point I looked around and discovered the actual trailhead down to Golden Canyon. It was at the upper right corner of the parking area.

Official Trailhead at Zabriskie Point

I took the official trail downward. It’s wide, gently inclined and fast compared to the golden hills approaches. I headed back down to the Badlands Junction and took a left down the Gower Gulch Trail.

Gower Gulch Trail – At First a Wide Wash

At first, on the Gower Gulch Trail, you’re in a very wide flat wash. I was running on the wash and, wouldn’t you know it, after ascending so many rocks and cliffs on previous mountain adventures with no mishap, I wiped out in wide flat Gower Gulch, tripping over some small stones! Isn’t it most likely that you’re in the “wipe out zone” just when you’re totally confident in the easy-to-navigate surroundings and drop your vigilance for a moment! Pulling myself together, I finally found my mobile phone on the rocks 15 feet away, miraculously undamaged. My skinned knee and left hand are still bandaged 3 days later!

Gower Gulch Trail Narrows Near the Lower Opening

Oh well, the wider, easy Gower Gulch begins to narrow in about a mile or so. Just before this point there is a curious cave in the golden hills above. I did not explore the cave on this day, not wanting to compound injuries. As Gower Gulch narrows, there are a few short class 3 scrambles downward. Not a problem. Just hang on to the sides and gently lower yourself. There are a lot of hand and foot holds in these few places.

Emerging from Gower Gulch Trail’s Lower Opening – Be Sure to Turn Right, Don’t Go Straight!!

At the lower opening of Gower Gulch, you naturally want to continue straight. There’s what looks like another easy but longer scramble downward. Don’t do it! This leads to a 30-40ft sheer cliff drop-off into the lower wash! Instead, take a hard right (North) and skirt the base of the hills for a little less than a mile back to the Golden Canyon Trailhead. Yes, you’re on the edge of that cliff drop-off for a few hundred feet at first, but the trail is wide enough and very easy to navigate.

Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point – Conclusion

In all, this adventure is fun, the views are spectacular and except for a few brief challenging spots the going is fairly easy, well-marked and hard to get lost even if you stray from the official route. One caution: Take a couple liters of water and attempt this adventure only between late Fall and early Spring. During the Summer months temperatures can easily rise toward 130 degrees and beyond!

Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley National Park, California
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Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point | Death Valley National Park, California
Golden Canyon in Death Valley is one of the most popular destinations to visitors of the valley. This is because of its unique beauty and easy accessibility. The entrance to Golden Canyon is only a few miles from Furnace Creek Ranch and The Inn at Death Valley.
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