Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV This Challenging Road is the Key Connection Point for 3 Major Ridge Systems Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV Parked on Lovell Canyon Road at the Western End of Road 45549: Rocky Gap Road Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV First Intersection at Hairgrass Rd, Turn Right to Stay on Rocky Gap Road Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV Stickers on Post Identify Types of Vehicles Made for Rocky Gap Road Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV View Back Down to Parking Area on Lovell Canyon Road Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV View North to Harris Mountain (left) and Wilson Ridge Southern High Point (right) Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV View Up Rocky Gap Road to Gap in the Wilson Ridge Through Which Road Passes Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV Gradual Approach Ridge for Northern Adventures on Wilson Ridge Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV Beginning of Northern Gradual Northern Approach Ridge, Lower Rocky Gap Rd. Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV Gradual North Approach Ridge Ascending Toward the Wilson Ridge. Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV Approach Ridge for Connecting with the Wilson Ridge Heading South Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV View Right (South) Across to South Approach Ridge Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV Many Great Camping Spots Scattered Along Rocky Gap Road Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV Camping Spot with Art Work. Camp Here, Climb Bridge Mountain Tomorrow. Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV View Up Rocky Gap Road to Red Rock Summit Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV Northern Approach Ridgeline Ascending Upward Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV View Back Down Rocky Gap Road. Southern Approach Ridge on Left. Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV Continuing Up Rocky Gap Road. Looks Like a Nice Road Now. Not for Long! Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV Continue Ascent Toward Red Rock Summit. Entering Red Rock Canyon. Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV Now Entering Rainbow Mountain Wilderness Area Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV Here's a Stretch That Helped Put the Word "Rocky" in Rocky Gap Road. Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV This Wild Rocky Stretch is Actually a Wash Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV Imagine the Force of Cascading Water That Could Move Rocks of This Size! Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV Rocky Gap Road Continues Above the Rocky "Stretch from Hell" Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV Closing in on Red Rock Summit. Bridge Mt. Trailhead is Below to the Right. Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV Probably Best to Navigate the Southern Stretch of Wilson Ridge Behind Its Cliffs. Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV Southern Wilson Ridge Heading Toward the Rainbow Mts. Upper Crest Ridgeline. Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV View Back Down Rocky Gap Road While Nearing Bridge Mt. Trailhead. Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV White Rock Bluff Ahead is Above and North of the Bridge Mountain Trailhead. Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV Arrival at Bridge Mt. Trailhead. Note High Red Rock Summit and Lower White Bluff. Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV Further to the Right is the La Madre Mts. Cliff Line Above Red Rock Canyon Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV Passing Beautiful Juniper Tree to Head Back Down Rocky Gap Road. Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV Closing in on Lovell Canyon Base. Hills Ahead Are on Far Side of Lovell Canyon. Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, NV Back at "The Beast". Will Return to Ascend Wilson Ridge Approach Ridges This Challenging Road is the Key Connection Point for 3 Major Ridge Systems | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Parked on Lovell Canyon Road at the Western End of Road 45549: Rocky Gap Road. | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada First Intersection at Hairgrass Rd, Turn Right to Stay on Rocky Gap Road | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Stickers on Post Identify Types of Vehicles Made for Rocky Gap Road | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada View Back Down to Parking Area on Lovell Canyon Road | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada View North to Harris Mountain (left) and Wilson Ridge Southern High Point (right). | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada View Up Rocky Gap Road to Gap in the Wilson Ridge Through Which Road Passes. | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Gradual Approach Ridge for Northern Adventures on Wilson Ridge | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Beginning of Northern Gradual Northern Approach Ridge, Lower Rocky Gap Rd. | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Gradual North Approach Ridge Ascending Toward the Wilson Ridge. | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Approach Ridge for Connecting with the Wilson Ridge Heading South | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada View Right (South) Across to South Approach Ridge | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Many Great Camping Spots Scattered Along Rocky Gap Road | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Here's a Camping Spot with Art Work. Camp Here, Climb Bridge Mountain Tomorrow. | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada View Up Rocky Gap Road to Red Rock Summit | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Higher Up on Northern Approach Ridge | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada View Back Down Rocky Gap Road. Southern Approach Ridge on Left. | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Continuing Up Rocky Gap Road. Looks Like a Nice Road Now. Not for Long! | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Continue Ascent Toward Red Rock Summit. Entering Red Rock Canyon. | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Now Entering Rainbow Mountain Wilderness Area | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Here's a Stretch That Helped Put the Word "Rocky" in Rocky Gap Road. | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada This Wild Rocky Stretch is Actually a Wash | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Imagine the Force of Cascading Water That Could Move Rocks of This Size! | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Rocky Gap Road Continues Above the Rocky "Stretch from Hell" | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Closing in on Red Rock Summit. Bridge Mt. Trailhead is Below to the Right. | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Probably Best to Navigate the Southern Stretch of Wilson Ridge Behind Its Cliffs. | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Higher View of Southern Wilson Ridge Heading Toward the Rainbow Mts. Upper Crest Ridgeline. | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada View Back Down Rocky Gap Road While Nearing Bridge Mt. Trailhead. | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada White Rock Bluff Ahead is Directly Above and North of the Bridge Mountain Trailhead. | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Arrival at Bridge Mt. Trailhead. Note High Red Rock Summit and Lower White Bluff to the Right. | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Further to the Right is the La Madre Mts. Cliff Line Above Red Rock Canyon | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Passing Beautiful Juniper Tree to Head Back Down Rocky Gap Road. | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Closing in on Lovell Canyon Base. Hills Ahead Are on Opposite Side of Lovell Canyon. | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada Back at "The Beast" on Lovell Canyon Road. Will Return to Ascend Wilson Ridge Approach Ridges | Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada

Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada

Overview | Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada

Help in Locating Rocky Gap Road

If you’re driving up Lovell Canyon Road and looking for Rocky Gap Road, this article, map and video will be helpful. I walked and carefully video documented Rocky Gap Road from its intersection with Lovell Canyon Road to its summit point at the Bridge Mountain Trailhead. So, this video shows how to locate the unmarked Rocky Gap Road at the intersection with Lovell Canyon Road. For the forest road system in this and other wilderness areas, even though the roads have names on the map, you will seldom if ever see road signs with those names. Instead, you’ll see small signs with forest road numbers: In this case #45549.

Ridgeline Network Above Rocky Gap Road 

My primary purpose here was not to locate or document the nature of Rocky Gap Road. My primary purpose was to scope out the 3 major ridge systems that can be accessed from Rocky Gap Road:

  1. Wilson Ridge North and South Access: Rocky Gap Road cuts through the Wilson Ridge. That’s where the term “Gap” comes from.
  2. Rainbow Mountains Upper Crest Ridgeline: I’m looking to document where the Wilson Ridge South of Rocky Gap Road connects with the Rainbow Mountains Upper Crest Ridgeline (above Juniper Peak).
  3. The La Madre Mountain Cliffs Ridgeline (Keystone Thrust Cliffs): Shortly after heading North on the Wilson Ridge from Rocky Gap Road, the Wilson Ridge connects with The La Madre Mountain Cliffs Ridgeline which borders the North side of Red Rock Canyon.

So, this is a baseline exploration of access to the three major ridge systems. Soon to follow will be routes along those ridge systems.

Spectacular Mountaintop Views

Traversing these three ridgelines presents mountaintop views along the entire length of the ridgelines! Views include this short summary list and much more:

When you see that all this…a huge slice of the Southwestern U.S. wilderness…can be viewed from the three ridgelines accessed from Rocky Gap Road, you’ll realize this road as a rare, incredible nodal point!

Best Time of Year for This Adventure

Stick to Spring and Fall months. Winter can bring snow, especially if you’re navigating the ridgeline systems, and mid-Summer can bring extremely high temperatures.

Trailhead Directions | Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada

Take Hwy 160 from Las Vegas toward Pahrump. The highway ascends over a “hump” (the Potosi Mountain area). There’s a saying around here, “Over the hump to Pahrump”. Well, you’ve just traveled over that hump. Around 4-5 miles from the point where the highway begins to descend toward Pahrump there is a well-marked sign on the right for Lovell Canyon Road.

Views Along Lovell Canyon Road

Lovell Canyon Road is a beautiful stretch passing through a Joshua tree forest that soon becomes populated predominately with junipers and pines. There are ridges and meadows and many camping pull-outs along the way. This stretch reminds me a lot of the high desert area around Bend Oregon. Very open and majestic. All the while you’re looking up at the Spring mountains with Griffith Peak standing prominent. The road has very little traffic and would make a great bike, walking or running route. In fact, what an awesome backdrop for a marathon (pretty easy to add 2 miles to the 24-mile out and back stretch)!

End of Lovell Canyon Paved Road

Proceed about 9 miles up the well-paved road to the intersection with Rocky Gap Road on the right. You won’t see any signs that say, “Rocky Gap Road”. Rather, watch a small sign marked Forest Road #45549. There is ample parking at the start of the road.

Trail Observations | Rocky Gap Rd. to Bridge Mt. Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada

Navigating Rocky Gap Road

First, my assessment of Rocky Gap Road from its intersection with Lovell Canyon Road to its summit at The Bridge Mountain Trailhead. You’d better have a good 4WD vehicle, an ATV or be on foot or on a mountain bike to navigate this stretch! A 2WD vehicle would experience its final days on earth! There is one particular 1000ft stretch that is actually a rocky wash. Boulders in this stretch are huge. I named the stretch, “The Stretch from Hell”. I did see a Rubicon 4WD successfully navigate the stretch and numerous ATVs have been successful.

As a walking trail, Rocky Gap Road is great! Wide, easy, beautiful and the shortest route to the Bridge Mountain Trailhead. It’s wilderness at its best!

There are some great camping pullouts along Rocky Gap Road. If I were coming in from Las Vegas or points further distant and wanting to climb Bridge Mountain, I might rent or bring my own 4WD vehicle and spend the night camping. The next morning, I’d have all day to do Bridge Mountain or hike the Wilson Ridge, the Rainbow Mountains Upper Crest Ridgeline or the La Madre Mountains cliff line and peaks. In fact, I could camp there for a week and never run out of great adventures!

Primary Purpose: Scoping Out Ridgeline Access Above Rocky Gap Road

Here is what I discovered regarding ridgeline access from Rocky Gap Road:

Wilson Ridge North

Take the gradual ridge that begins about a quarter mile up Rocky Gap Road. It’s the ridge to the left (North) of Rocky Gap Road. You can’t miss it. This ridge parallels Rocky Gap Road. Begin ascending near the base of this ridge. It will take you all the way to Red Rock Summit, the high point above and North of the Bridge Mountain Trailhead.

From Red Rock Summit, you can continue North on the Wilson Ridge. You could go all the way to Harris Mountain at the summit of the Wilson Ridge. And, at the base of Harris Mountain you could catch the Griffith Peak back-wilderness trail, hike to Griffith Peak and then down Sexton Ridge on the opposite side of Lovell Canyon all the way to the Lovell Canyon Trailhead, then take Lovell Canyon Road back to Rocky Gap Road, finally ascending back to your camping area. Awesome legendary circuit, but be prepared for a multi-day adventure!

Or, you could take the ridgeline to the right (East) of the Wilson Ridge (about a quarter-mile North of Red Rock Summit. This ridge to the right (East) will lead to the La Madre Mountains Cliffs including El Bastardo, Burnt Peak, El Padre and La Madre Mountain. You could spend at least a couple days exploring the La Madre Mountains! 

Important Note: If you wait until you’re at the Bridge Mountain Trailhead area to access the Wilson Ridgeline North or South, you’ll more likely face come serious rocky sections to navigate including some vertical headwalls. So, use the more gradual ascent ridges that begin about a quarter-mile from the beginning of Rocky Gap Road.

Wilson Ridge South

Take the more gradual South approach ridge that runs parallel to the North approach ridge just mentioned. It’s to the right (South) of Rocky Gap Road and begins about the same area (a quarter-mile up Rocky Gap Road). However, in this case, you need to cross an intervening canyon wash to get to the ridge. That crossing doesn’t look too difficult as the wash is shallow at this point lower in Lovell Canyon. In fact, I might just head to that ridge directly from Lovell Canyon Road and skip Rocky Gap Road altogether.

At the summit of this approach ridge you’re on the Wilson Ridgeline above the Bridge Mountain Trailhead. Angle right (South) on the Wilson Ridgeline. Set your sites on The Rainbow Mountains Upper Crest Ridgeline. There’s a fairly tame cross-over ridge between the Wilson Ridgeline and The Rainbow Mountains Upper Crest Ridgeline that will land you on The Rainbow Mountains Upper Crest Ridgeline above the Juniper Peak area. From there you can go either North on that ridgeline all the way to White Rock Mountain in Red Rock Canyon, or South on the ridgeline all the way to highway 160 at Mountain Spring, the Southern tip of the Rainbow Mountains and beginning of Potosi Mountain

La Madre Mountains Cliffs (Keystone Thrust Cliffs)

As mentioned above, connecting with this ridgeline involves heading North on the Wilson Ridgeline. See above.

Rocky Gap Road Summary

If you’re well prepared, you could spend a week (Spring or Fall) camping on Rocky Gap Road near the Bridge Mountain Trailhead and exploring the Wilson Ridgeline, the Rainbow Mountains, the Mt. Charleston Wilderness, the La Madre Mountains and Lovell Canyon! Have a great time exploring this huge slice of Southern Nevada Wilderness from Rocky Gap Road. In the process, you’ll be connecting all the wilderness areas as you explore a rarely traveled, pristine wilderness! Total, extended wilderness immersion creating enduring life memories!

Final Word of Wisdom

However, I suggest you begin exploring and becoming familiar with small stretches of this wilderness (10-mile RTs), before piecing it all together in larger, more comprehensive adventures. It took me about 6-7 years of exploring the wilderness in this area on a weekly basis to be able to make these connections without getting lost or ending up in a dangerous place. Now I can do all of this walking…no climbing beyond a few brief, light class 3 stretches here and there. 99% is at a class 2 walk, though steep in places!

Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada
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Rocky Gap Rd to Bridge Mt Trailhead | Lovell Canyon, Nevada
Take Rocky Gap Road from Lovell Canyon Road to Bridge Mountain Trailhead. Scope out potential access to Wilson Ridge North and South. The Wilson Ridge crosses Rocky Gap Road near the summit area of that road. This area is key to completing the Wilson Ridge both North and South along with important connections to The Rainbow Mountains Upper Crest Ridgeline and the Keystone Thrust Cliffs ridge access to the La Madre Mountains. Discover the interconnection of all these ridge systems.
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