The Eternity Diet, Webinar Presented by David Smith in Achieving Your Optimal Health Series

The Eternity Diet: A New Diet for a Non-Disposable Body

If we did a total reboot on religion and spirituality and identified 8 universal truths that encompass the core of all belief systems, what would that look like? The major religions of the world had their origin thousands of years ago. In the year 2020 we face questions and issues that could not have been imagined in those earlier days: Earth is not the center of the universe, we’re not alone, the environment is precious, fragile and in danger, communication is now instant and global, we can no longer afford tribalism and nationalism, the human life span is extending with no limits in sight. None of these factors could have been imagined during the formation of the current major world religions and belief systems. It’s time to move ahead. What might be the core principles of a new belief system along with a daily spiritual practice that is capable of taking humanity to the next level of development?

Our diet not only consists of the food we consume, but everything we take into our being: Beliefs, Thoughts, Feelings, Actions and Experience. If no longer see ourselves as fragile bodies that burn out after 70-100 years, what would a new diet for a non-disposable body look like? In this webinar we explore The Eternity Diet.

Additional Resource

“The Singularity is Near” by Ray Kurzweil (link to the full .pdf version)

“The Singularity and Human Destiny” by Patrick Tucker, Assistant Editor, THE FUTURIST


In This Webinar We Will Explore:

  • Why a new all-encompassing spirituality is needed that includes both traditional religious and modern spirituality thought, belief and practice.
  • 8 core principles of such a new all-encompassing spirituality.
  • How to create and activate personal optimization practices that guide and deepen our transformative life experience.

Benefits of Attending This Webinar:

  • Experience greater connection with the creative consciousness that is bringing all things into being.
  • Experience an elevated awareness of your true and unique identity.
  • Strengthen your connection with others.
  • Grow and increase your confidence in the creative power you possess.

Who is David Smith?

David Smith has devoted the better part of one day each week over the past 20 years to experiencing a mountain trail running adventure. He began in the Pacific Northwest with the Columbia Gorge and Cascade Mountains; then moved to Southern California and experienced the Angeles Crest mountains; then the Northeast where he experienced the Hudson River Valley and Minnewaska; finally in 2016 to Las Vegas where he is experiencing and documenting Red Rock Park, the Spring Mountains (Mt. Charleston area), Death Valley and beyond!

As a owner of David is uniquely positioned to document and post these trail running adventures, however, his dual objective is to support businesses in growth, development and finding new clients.


Webinar Slides

The Eternity Diet, Webinar Presented by David Smith in Achieving Your Optimal Health Series Slide 1

The Eternity Diet, Webinar Presented by David Smith in Achieving Your Optimal Health Series Slide 2

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The Eternity Diet, Webinar Presented by David Smith in Achieving Your Optimal Health Series Slide 6

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Webinar Notes

The Eternity Diet: The New Diet for a Non-Disposable Body

“A new diet…”

What thoughts and images come to mind when you hear the word “diet”?

  • Food: Giving up, abstaining, sacrifice, weight loss.
  • Food: What you eat.
  • Activities in which you participate.

“Diet”–A more global understanding:

Our diet consists of everything we take into our being.

  • Food
  • Thoughts
  • Beliefs
  • Emotions
  • Experiences

“…for a non-disposable body.”

Our Bodies: Physical Life Expectancy

  • What do you expect to be the length of your physical life?
  • North America ranks first in terms of life expectancy (76 years for men and 81 years for women)

76-81 Years = Life In a Disposable Body

Major world religions train us to believe our bodies are disposable.

Platonic Greek Philosophy: Physical (lower) vs. Spiritual “Forms” (higher)

Babylonian Creation Myths: Dualism–Marduk (king of gods) vs. Tiamat (earth/sky)

Dualism in Christianity:

  • Evil vs. Good
  • Earth vs. Heaven
  • Hell vs. Heaven
  • Body vs. Spirit
  • Physical vs. Spiritual
  • Common vs. Holy
  • Mortal vs. Immortal
  • Me vs. God, Jesus…
  • External vs. Internal Sourcing of Power

Our Bodies: Curious Path of Judeo-Christianity

  • “In the beginning”: All Creation One, Good
  • Dualism: “New Heaven & Earth”: Dispose of the old (current)

Our Bodies: “Disposable vs. Non-Disposable”

  • How do we treat those things we consider“disposable”?
    (Milk carton, packaging, single – use items…)
  • How does this compare with the way we treat those things we consider “non-disposable”?
    (house, jewelry…)

What is the effect of dualism on our identity, our purpose?

The Effect of Dualistic Thinking: External vs. Internal Sourcing of Power

Samuel Beckett’s 1952 Existential Play: Waiting for Godot

Estragon and Vladimir meet near a tree, they’re waiting for a character “Godot”, life experiences happen, again and again they decide to leave and experience life, but each time, they do not move but continue to wait for Godot, and there they are as the curtain falls, ending the play.

Scientific Evidence for a Non-Disposable Body

Ray Kurzweil, Futurist, “The Singularity Is Near”

“An energetic and insightful advocate of stopping the aging process by changing the information processes underlying biology is Aubrey de Grey, a scientist in the department of genetics at Cambridge University. De Grey uses the metaphor of maintaining a house. ow long does a house last? The answer obviously depends on how well you take care of it. If you do nothing, the roof will spring a leak before long, water and the elements will invade, and eventually the house will disintegrate. But if you proactively take care of the structure, repair all damage, confront all dangers, and rebuild or renovate parts from time to time using new materials and technologies, the life of the house can essentially be extended without limit.”

“The same holds true for our bodies and brains. The only difference is that, while we fully understand the methods underlying the maintenance of a house, we do not yet fully understand all of the biological principles of life. But with our rapidly increasing comprehension of the biochemical processes and pathways of biology, we are quickly gaining that knowledge. We are beginning to understand aging, not as a single inexorable progression but as a group of related processes. Strategies are emerging for fully reversing each of these aging progressions, using different combinations of biotechnology techniques.”

Our diet consists of everything we take into our being.

  • Food
  • Thoughts
  • Beliefs
  • Emotions
  • Experiences

Refocusing Our Diet Has to Do With…

  • Our Identity: What we tell ourselves about who we are.
  • Our Purpose: How we accordingly organize our lives and expenditure of our time and energy.

8 Unassailable Truths Guide The New Diet for a Non-Disposable Body.

1-4 Guide Awareness of Our Identity

  1. Connection
  2. Creation
  3. Context
  4. Creator

1 Connection

I am at every moment, past, present and future inseparably connected to the creative consciousness and force that is bringing all things into being.

The New Diet for a Non-Disposable Body

2 Creation

I am a beautiful, perfect, unique creation never to be repeated, always growing, evolving and unfolding from glory to glory.

The New Diet for a Non-Disposable Body

3 Context

I live, breathe and move in the context of the beauty of all created beings, each unique, perfect and glorious in their own way.

The New Diet for a Non-Disposable Body

4 Creator

I am modeled after, and have within myself the creative consciousness and force that is bringing all things into being.

The New Diet for a Non-Disposable Body

8 Unassailable Truths

5-8 Guide Awareness of Our Purpose

5. Be Curious

6. Conceive

7. Create

8. Celebrate

The New Diet for a Non-Disposable Body

5 Be Curious

I will explore the wonder of the creation in which I exist. I will discover something new every day.

The New Diet for a Non-Disposable Body

6 Conceive

I will imagine something I can bring into being. I will envision it in my consciousness down to the smallest, most intricate detail.

The New Diet for a Non-Disposable Body

7 Create

I will bring my vision into being to join the beauty and glory of all created beings.

The New Diet for a Non-Disposable Body

The computer programmer is a creator of universes for which he alone is the lawgiver. No playwright, no stage director, no emperor, however powerful, has ever exercised such absolute authority to arrange a stage or a field of battle and to command such unswervingly dutiful actors or troops.

One windy day two monks were arguing about a flapping banner. The first said, “I say the banner is moving, not the wind.” The second said, “I say the wind is moving, not the banner.” A third monk passed by and said, “The wind is not moving. The banner is not moving. Your minds are moving.”

Suppose someone were to say, “Imagine this butterfly exactly as it is, but ugly instead of beautiful.”

8 Celebrate

I will enjoy, give thanks and appreciate in whatever way is most meaningful for me. I will join with all of creation in this celebration! I will celebrate myself! I will celebrate others!

The New Diet for a Non-Disposable Body

Westminster Catechism

Q: What is the chief and highest end of man?

A: Man’s chief and highest end is to glorify God, and fully to enjoy him forever.

8 Unassailable Truths, New Diet, Its Impact

Reflect On This Video Daily for 30 Days

One of the biggest flaws in the common conception of the future is that the future is something that happens to us, not something we create.

“Playing God” is actually the highest expression of human nature. The urges to improve ourselves, to master our environment, and to set our children on the best path possible have been the fundamental driving forces of all of human history. Without these urges to “play God,” the world as we know it wouldn’t exist today. A few million humans would live in savannahs and forests, eeking out a hunter – gatherer existence, without writing or history or mathematics or an appreciation of the intricacies of their own universe and their own inner workings.

David Smith

(503) 816-9665

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