Zion National Park, Utah, Overview
Click on the images on this page to plan your adventures to specific locations in Zion National Park. We’ll begin exploring and documenting adventures during an upcoming Spring or Fall season! Unlike other wilderness areas such as Death Valley National Park, Mt. Charleston Wilderness and many others, you can’t just drive up to a trailhead in Zion National Park and start hiking due to rules designed to protect this popular wilderness area from overcrowding. So, your adventures in Zion National Park will take a little more pre-planning along with permit applications in some cases. Here’s how the system works at Zion National Park… Click image or title above for more…
Hidden Hills and Jungle Above Kahana in West Maui, Hawaii
My goal here was to apply the same wilderness exploration strategy I use in the vast wilderness around Las Vegas to an entirely new and unknown area. The goal was to find the best daily trail running conditioning course that could be accessed by foot from the commercial tourist area of Kahana. The only problem was to find access to the interior above Kahana. So I set out to explore potential access points. What I discovered went way beyond expectations including a seemingly endless network of unpaved roads with a perfect surface for running, spectacular views of the ocean West and Northwest of Maui including the islands of Lanai and Moloka’i, total peace entirely devoid of any traffic. Route Details: “”A series of 5-10-mile daily running courses on secluded unpaved roads with spectacular views, including jungle excursions.** Click image or title above for more…
Hualapai Mountain Park, Arizona
Hualapai Mountain Park offers 10 miles of trails for hikers, mountain bikers and equestrians to enjoy. Situated atop the Hualapai Mountains, the trails provide spectacular views of the desert below and the mountain ranges in the distance. On the trail, users will experience a variety of mountain habitats and have the opportunity to see many species of wildlife. Route Details: 8.2 mile loop trail; 6,200 – 8,250ft **Excellent Trail** Click image or title above for more…
01 Death Valley National Park Overview
Death Valley National Park, California: View Hiking and Trail Running Adventures in Death Valley, one of the hottest places on planet Earth! Death Valley National Park is massive and offers deep wilderness adventure opportunities, car camping and sightseeing from numerous spectacular viewpoints, and lodging in cabins, motels and a luxurious Inn. Hiking includes everything from the salt pan desert floor below sea level to the spectacular peaks of the Panamint Mountain Range topping 11,000ft in elevation. In Death Valley you can find weird salt formations and ancient Bristlecone Pine trees. Best time of year to visit lower regions: Late Fall through Early Spring. Best time of year to visit the Panamint Mountains above 6,000ft: Late Spring through early Fall. Follow thumbnail images to view the details you will need to plan your adventures here. Click image or title above for more…