Rainbow Wall Summit via Pine & Oak Creek Canyons, NV Two Great Canyons and One Majestic Peak! Two Great Canyons and One Majestic Peak! | Rainbow Mountain Summit via Pine Creek & Oak Creek Canyons | Rainbow Mountain Wilderness, Nevada

Rainbow Mt via Pine Creek & Oak Creek Canyons Nevada

Overview | Rainbow Mt via Pine Creek & Oak Creek Canyons, Nevada

Slide Guide will appear Summer of 2024

Adventure Route Summary

This epic adventure makes a circuit of Rainbow Mountain. Ascend Pine Creek Canyon to the summit of Rainbow Wall. Then descend Oak Creek Canyon to its opening. Finally, return to Pine Creek Canyon via the Knoll Trail. You’ll experience two wild, colorful canyons with massive sandstone cliffs towering above on either side while navigating huge sandstone boulders. During much of the year there will be a singing creek flowing through each canyon amidst a beautiful pine forest. There is some challenging class 3+ rock climbing approaching and descending Rainbow Wall. Though there are cairns at points along the way, the route in the area above the canyons is somewhat complicated. You might want to do this adventure with someone who has navigated this route previously.

Spectacular Views Along the Way

As you ascend look around to see Bridge Mountain and the other colorful Rainbow Mountains stretching to the North. Look to the South to see Mt. Wilson and the Rainbow Mountains stretching to the South. Above just to the West is the Rainbow Mountains Upper Crest Ridgeline. Below to the East is Blue Diamond Hill and the Las Vegas Valley. You’ll also see Potosi Mountain further to the South and Red Rock Canyon with a backdrop of the La Madre Mountains ridgeline and Damsel Peak to the Northeast.

Time and Temperature Considerations

You might want to stretch this adventure over a 2-day period, preparing to camp on Rainbow Wall or upper Oak Creek Canyon, depending on your water supply. Mid-Spring or mid-Fall are ideal. Summer temperatures can exceed 100 degrees and Winter could bring hazardous icy conditions on the slick, exposed sandstone surfaces.

Trailhead Directions | Rainbow Mt via Pine Creek & Oak Creek Canyons, Nevada

From Interstate 215 at the Red Rock Casino, take the Charleston Exit following signs to Red Rock Canyon. As Charleston St. ascends toward the mountains it becomes Highway 159. Continue to the entrance of Red Rock Canyon’s BLM Scenic Drive entrance. Take the scenic drive to the Pine Creek Canyon Trailhead area which is 2nd from the last parking area on the drive.

Narrative Guide | Rainbow Mt via Pine Creek & Oak Creek Canyons, Nevada

Pine Creek Canyon Trailhead to South Branch of Pine Creek Canyon

From the Pine Creek Canyon trailhead parking area, take the well-defined Pine Creek Canyon trail toward the distinctive Mescalito Pyramid formation ahead in the center of Pine Creek Canyon. Mescalito Pyramid divides Pine Creek Canyon into a North and a South branch. You want to head for the South branch of the canyon to the left of Mescalito Pyramid. 

The trail becomes a bit complicated with unmarked splits as you approach and round the left side of Mescalito Pyramid. The brush often overgrows anything resembling a trail, and if you wander to close to Pine Creek you’ll end up navigating water and slick wet rocks. Watch for the combination of pathways that will take you into the South branch of Pine Creek Canyon, but try to stay above the right side of the flowing water in the creek.

Pine Creek Canyon Along the Base of Mescalito Pyramid

As you enter the South branch of Pine Creek Canyon it soon becomes a challenge of navigating thick brush, boulders and the flowing creek. Watch for cairns and prepare for multiple creek crossings and some light bouldering. The pleasant sound of the creek with water cascading down boulders along with the towering sandstone cliffs on either side make this stretch a natural wonderland! There are a few class 3 bouldering sections in the canyon, one requiring the aid of a tree trunk as the canyon makes a series of successive elevation gains from level to level.

The elevation gain itself in the canyon can be a bit deceptive. You’re ascending and gaining altitude more rapidly than it may appear, so if you’re surprised that you get a bit tired along the way, there’s a reason! Pace yourself and enjoy the spectacular scenery!

From Mescalito Pyramid to Terrace Canyon

Once you clear Mescalito Pyramid, views open above and around of the cliffs along the base of Bridge Mountain to your right, strange rock formations like UFO Rock ahead and above, the Rainbow Mountains Upper Crest Ridgeline on the horizon ahead and the tall sandstone cliffs and slabs you will soon be navigating as you head toward Rainbow Wall rising above to your left.

The canyon continues to wind around to the left until it opens into the spectacular Terrace Canyon area. Now you begin ascending a wide terraced sandstone surface with a flowing creek cascading into beautiful pools populated by singing frogs. The frogs make a surprisingly loud noise for their size — about the size of your thumb. They’re territorial, so prepare to be faced down by a tiny, angry frog!

In and above Terrace Canyon there are stretches of smooth light-gray sandstone, so smooth that even the best rock climbing shoes may find little traction. Watch your step!

Steep, Rapid Ascent from Upper Terrace Canyon to the Summit of Rainbow Wall

Above Terrace Canyon there is a brief class 4 chute. Though I watched my more experienced climbing partners ascend that chute with a webbing assist and their backpacks hoisted up ahead, I just couldn’t handle the chute. Not to worry! I circled to the left around and above the chute. It was on a steep loose rock surface and through thick brush, but I successfully made it above the chute to continue upward!

Above the chute the terrain becomes much steeper. Now you’re ascending steep sandstone slabs as you navigate toward a distinctive cliff area ahead. Brush is no longer much of a problem. Now it’s steep sometimes loose sandstone, some narrow exposed ledges and a lot of altitude gain! Watch for cairns, but don’t totally depend on them to be there when you need their route guidance. Turn around often to take in spectacular views of Pine Creek Canyon below, Bridge Mountain and its cliffs to the North and the sandstone ascent toward the summit of Rainbow Wall ahead.

The final ascent to the summit of Rainbow Wall is steep, reminiscent of the steep ridge up toward the Bridge Mountain arch. Hang on! There is good traction on the sandstone slab incline. Watch for cracks that will help provide additional anchoring support. I found myself so focused on keeping my traction with every step that I wasn’t able to look around to enjoy the spectacular view during a few of these stretches. Wait for the nice ledge at the top of the slabs!

Rainbow Wall Summit to Upper Oak Creek Canyon

You’ll know when you’ve reached Rainbow Wall summit. You can’t go any higher. The views in all directions from this vantage point are incredible! Continue toward the Rainbow Mountains Upper Crest Ridgeline ahead as you hang to the right (North) side of the saddle you’re on that descends from the ridgeline above. Don’t stray down to the left of the ridgeline. I believe that’s an area where you will end up cliffed out. Keep to the right of the saddle, where soon you will find cairns and a trail that circles around leading down to upper Oak Creek Canyon.

Prepare to Run Out of Water!

We ran out of water by the time we reached upper Oak Creek Canyon (I had brought 6 liters on this adventure!). Fortunately, there was the life-saving flowing Oak Creek and we had a water filter! Mid-Summer through Fall there may not be water in the canyons.

Descending into Oak Creek Canyon

The trail descending from Rainbow Wall into upper Oak Creek Canyon is a very easy, well-defined route. There is no rock climbing involved. It’s a welcome rest after the challenging, complicated ascent from Pine Creek Canyon to Rainbow Wall. You can see your route all the way down to upper Oak Creek Canyon. Again, watch for the smooth, slick light gray stretches. Soon you’ll find yourself in upper Oak Creek Canyon.

Oak Creek Canyon is More Complicated and Challenging Than Pine Creek Canyon

Where the descent from Rainbow Wall to upper Oak Creek Canyon is much easier than the ascent from Pine Creek Canyon, Oak Creek Canyon itself is a major navigational challenge — far more complicated than Pine Creek Canyon. There are huge boulders and significant class 3 downclimbs as you descend from level to level in Oak Creek Canyon. And the brush seems much thicker than in Pine Creek Canyon. There are multiple route choices along the way, so prepare to test a few alternate route choices before finding the one that will get you down to the next level! Then prepare to test multiple choices again at each successive level.

Be Prepared to Spend the Night in Oak Creek Canyon

We ran out of light in the complicated Oak Creek Canyon. Fearing the possibility of wandering off some ledge in the dark, we had to spend the night. Where it had been a 90-degree baking hot experience earlier while ascending toward Rainbow Wall, now there was a cold wind constantly flowing down Oak Creek Canyon. The wind penetrated every spot, no matter where you thought you might be shielded by a boulder. The views on this clear starry night were incredible! We rested by a pool, waiting for the sunlight. I remember being challenged by a thumb-sized frog who seemed to own the pool!

Descending Oak Creek Canyon 

In the morning light, it was much easier to navigate the complicated Oak Creek Canyon. Lots of bouldering. There was one stretch where we descended a long, wet, slick slab, water cascading all around. Fortunately someone had left webbing. Though the webbing was tattered and about at the end of its usefulness, it provided some anchoring. Without it this would have been a frightening 150ft water slide. Possible, but questionable.

Return to Pine Creek Canyon Trailhead on the Knoll Trail

Once you’ve made the lower opening of Oak Creek Canyon, watch carefully for a faint trail to the left (North) ascending out of the canyon. Continue on that trail which will connect with the Knoll Trail heading back to Pine Creek Canyon. That last stretch on the Knoll Trail can feel long and hot after enjoying the shade of the canyons. Fortunately I had taken time to fill all my water containers at the frog-owned pool the previous night above in Oak Creek Canyon and this was vitally important on the final hot, exposed stretch of the Knoll Trail.

The Knoll Trail will take you back to your starting point at the Pine Creek Canyon Trailhead. Congratulate yourself in completing this spectacular two-canyon, mountaintop epic adventure. You’ve created life memories!

Rainbow Mt via Pine Creek & Oak Creek Canyons Nevada
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Rainbow Mt via Pine Creek & Oak Creek Canyons Nevada
Explore all the way up the South fork of Pine Creek Canyon to the summit of Rainbow Wall in the Rainbow Mountain Wilderness of Nevada. Then descend the entire length of Oak Creek Canyon’s North fork, finally returning to the Pine Creek Canyon Trailhead. You'll navigate two great canyons and summit one majestic peak with unique views of the Rainbow Mountains to the North and South.
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