Furnace Creek Visitor Center | Death Valley, California
Use the Furnace Creek Visitor Center as your major staging area for adventures in Death Valley, California. It’s an important starting point for your experience of Death Valley. Find expert park ranger help at the front desk, beautiful interpretive displays, documentary movies, nightly ranger talks, ranger-guided walks, junior ranger programs, book and souvenir store and restroom facilities.
Death Valley Crossing | Death Valley National Park, California
What’s out there in the middle of Death Valley? People want to know first hand. Case in point:: The constant procession of Badwater visitors walking out into the desert as far as they can go during their visit. Death Valley draws you in, but nearly everyone turns around after just a quarter mile. See what it’s like to go from Badwater to the very middle of Death Valley and then a little beyond. What will you experience? What do you need to know?
Mesquite Grove | Furnace Creek | Death Valley National Park, California
Mesquite Grove in Death Valley National Park, California, is a huge crescent-shaped grove of desert mesquite trees stretching from the North side of Furnace Creek to the South side of Golden Canyon. The grove is so huge that it is visible from the distant summits of Wildrose Peak and Telescope Peak in the Panamint Mountains across Death Valley. Mesquite Grove, often overlooked, contains hidden wonders and is worth some exploration.
Badwater to Mahogany Flat | Death Valley National Park, California
Visitor Guide 2020-2021 Death Valley Visitor Guide Badwater to Mahogany Flat | Death Valley National Park, California Area Satellite View North Satellite View South Satellite View Adventure Video Will Appear Here Overview | Badwater to Mahogany Flat | Death Valley National Park, California This adventure to occur during an upcoming Winter. The goal is to […]
Wildrose Peak | Death Valley, California
Wildrose Peak is an 8.4 mile round trip trail beginning at the Wildrose Charcoal Kilns in Death Valley National Park, California. Ascending the excellent trail from the Wildrose Charcoal Kilns at 6,800ft elevation to the summit of Wildrose Peak at 9,064ft elevation, your total elevation gain is 2,264ft. Views at points along the trail and definitely from the summit are spectacular including the expanse of Death Valley almost directly below from Badwater to Furnace Creek and further in both directions with the Funeral Mountains as a backdrop. It’s a Grand Canyon level view! 8.4 Miles RT, 6,800 > 9,064ft **Excellent Trail** Click image or title above for more…
Wildrose Charcoal Kilns | Death Valley, California
The Death Valley Wildrose Charcoal Kilns, located on Charcoal Kiln Road near Telescope Peak in the Panamint Mountain Range are perhaps the best preserved Charcoal Kilns on earth. Built in 1877 to create charcoal used to smelt lead and silver in the Modock Mines about 25 miles West in the Argus Range, the Wildrose Charcoal Kilns were only used for 2 years. Click image or title above for more…
Telescope Peak Summit from Charcoal Kilns | Death Valley, California
Telescope Peak, on the highest ridge of the Panamint Mountain Range bordering the West side of Death Valley is as close as you can get to experiencing the entire valley in one adventure. The feeling is purely magical as you traverse a ridge on top of the world, looking straight from that 11,049ft elevation down to Badwater, lowest point in the Western hemisphere at -282ft. Route details: 19 mi Roads, Trails (mostly), Wilderness
6800ft > 11,043ft **Mostly Excellent Trails** Click image or title above for more…
Mesquite Dunes at Sunrise | Death Valley National Park, California
The Mesquite Sand Dunes turn every shade of color from white to golden during the hours of sunrise and sunset. But to witness the best display, you’ll need to wander into or out of the midst of the Mesquite Dunes in the dark, either before sunrise or after sunset. And during the time of pitch darkness, you’re either going to risk meeting up with a sidewinder rattlesnake during the warmer months from mid Spring through mid Fall, or getting very cold during the colder months from mid Fall through mid Spring. Route Details: Approx. 1.5 Miles RT; 100 – 200ft Elevation Gain **Wander Among the Dunes** Click image or title above for more…
Mosaic Canyon | Death Valley National Park, California
Though Mosaic Canyon is not a true slot canyon, there are some similarities. The action of water over tens of thousands of years has cut through and polished the solid rock walls into a surface resembling fine marble. Scenes of polished rock recall images of what you’d like to see in the ultimate elaborate marble bathroom or natural swimming pool. In places, there are large polished walls of composite rock forming countless wonderful unique mosaic patterns. Route details: Approx. 2-4 Miles RT; Approx. 900 > 2,000ft **Good Canyon Trail** Click image or title above for more…
Devil’s Racetrack by Mountain Bike | Death Valley National Park, California
Devil’s Racetrack is a dry flat lake bed in Death Valley, technically referred to as a playa, so flat that huge rocks are blown long distances by high winds when ground is wet. During wet, high wind conditions large rocks are moved across the lake bed leaving long tracks that are solidified when the lake bed is later baked in the high desert heat. This adventure journey covered nearly 40 miles of unpaved desert roads by mountain bike. Click image or title above for more…