Little La Madre Mt | Little El Padre Mt (aka) Summerlin Peak, Nevada
These two features are not in the La Madre Mountains Wilderness. To my knowledge they have no names other than being on a ridge referred to as Summerlin Ridge just beyond the Northwestern growth area of Las Vegas, Nevada. When Little La Madre & El Padre are compared to the actual La Madre and El Padre, they look like miniature versions of the originals (see the first 2 slides of the slide show on this page to compare the two features). Of course, no geological features are exact duplicates, but the similarity here, to me, is pretty striking. On this initial exploration day, my route was to head up the main trail at the base of the Little La Madre, El Padre and Burnt Peak cliffs, circle around the upper end of the canyon, then take the trail leading to the top of the ridge overlook of the Little Red Rock area. Route Details: 8 Miles RT / 3,000-5,00ft; *Half Trails, Half Wilderness* Click image or title above for more…