Lovell Canyon Ridgelines | Lovell Canyon, Nevada

Lovell Canyon Ridgelines | Lovell Canyon, Nevada

Lovell Canyon’s surrounding ridgelines create both a majestic and an intimate feeling. The ridgelines majestically tower over the canyon while enclosing it in its own unique setting. There’s the Wilson Ridgeline (East Side); Sexton Ridgeline (West Side); Griffith/Harris Saddle (North side); and The Rainbow Mountains Upper Crest Ridgeline (Southeast Region). From 5,000-11,000ft in elevation, the ridgelines offer spectacular views of Lovell Canyon and its surrounding wilderness areas. Click the image or title above to learn more.

03 Rainbow Mountains South Upper Crest Ridgeline | Rainbow Mountain Wilderness, Nevada

Rainbow Mountains South Upper Crest Ridgeline | Rainbow Mountain Wilderness, Nevada

The Rainbow Mountains Upper Crest Ridgeline stretches above the Rainbow Mountains summits from its Southern point at Mountain Springs Trailhead on Highway 160 to its Northern point around the Willow Springs area of Red Rock Park. Here we focus on the Southern half of the Rainbow Mountains Upper Crest Ridgeline from Mountain Springs to Hidden Peak. Route details: 12 mi/ 5,900 > 7,000ft (approx.); Some Trails, Some Wilderness. Click image or title above for more…

North Peak | Rainbow Mountain Wilderness, Nevada

The summit of North Peak is like the turret of a medieval European castle with amazing views in all directions. Views to the East include Red Rock Canyon all the way to Lake Mead. The Mt. Charleston Wilderness can be seen to the West. The Keystone Thrust and La Madre Mountains Wilderness is to the North and the span of the Rainbow Mountains to Potosi Mountain to the South. Route details: 17 mi/ 4500 > 7003ft; **Some Trails, Some Wilderness**. Click image or title above for more…

Windy Peak | Rainbow Mountain Wilderness, Nevada

Windy Peak | Rainbow Mountain Wilderness, Nevada

Windy Peak in Nevada is the third peak from the South end of the Rainbow Mountain Wilderness and a good jumping off point to explore the Wilson Ridge which borders Red Rock Canyon NCA to the East and Lovell Canyon to the West. It’s one of the Rainbow Mountains beautiful Jurassic Era Aztec red rock frozen sand dunes similar to the famous formations in Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area. To stand in that place is to be surrounded by the artistic beauty of red and white rock with occasional bonsai-like pine trees. Route details: 5.2 mi RT/ 5,470ft > 6,238ft; **Mostly Good Trails, Some Class 3 Climbing** Click image or title above for more…

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