What is YOUR Optimal Diet?
Not all food contributes equally to your health. Some foods contribute to inflammation weight gain and low energy. Other foods improve mood, lead to less pain, greater energy and to your optimal weight. We’re going to explore the difference between these two types of foods and help you create a diet that will support your optimal health goals.
Optimal Diet is Not a “One Size Fits All”
In addition, the optimal diet is not a “one size fits all” affair. You have a unique metabolism, body type and nutritional needs. Therefore, the diet that is optimal for another person is not necessarily optimal for YOU. In addition, the optimal diet for you at this moment in your life may not be your optimal diet 10 or 20 years from today as our needs change over the years. This is why so many people fail to achieve their optimal health by going with a set version of one of the many popular diets and diet programs available today. They may achieve their weight goal only to find that they have robbed themselves of the nutrition their body needs for optimal health. Cravings increase because their body is not getting the nutrition it needs. This results in going off the diet and potentially ending up in a worse situation than before the diet.
The answer is to discover and master YOUR unique optimal diet. This webinar will give you a good start in the basic building blocks of an optimal diet so that you will have the information you need to creatively customize your own optimal diet.
A consultation with Dr. Angela Carlson will help ensure you’re on the right track, setting the course for your successful mastery of your optimal diet going forward.
In “Mastering YOUR Optimal Diet” Webinar You Will Learn…
- Top 5 most dangerous foods you should always avoid
- Common nutritional myths
- What foods are highest in nutrients
- Basic dietary principles many people have never heard about
- There is no one-size fits all diet and how to determine your best fit.
- How to eat healthy on a budget
- Time-saving healthy eating tips
Who is Dr. Angela Carlson, ND?
Dr. Angela Carlson is a Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor. She received a Doctorate Degree from the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon in 2012. She then completed 2 years of Residency, in General Medicine and Women’s Health. Dr. Carlson worked as a Primary Care Physician in Oregon, prior to moving to Las Vegas where she opened her own practice.
Dr. Carlson has many areas of expertise, including thyroid conditions, gastrointestinal issues, hormone imbalances, autoimmune disease, chronic fatigue, diabetes and prediabetes, and cardiovascular concerns like high blood pressure and high cholesterol. She really enjoys working with clients that are looking for a different approach to their health care.
When she works with a client, Dr. Carlson helps to determine and address the underlying causes of the symptom or disease. She uses both her expertise as a Doctor and a Health Coach to help her clients achieve their health goals and reach optimal wellness. Dr. Carlson has medical training in conventional diagnosis and pharmacological treatments and offers cutting edge natural medicine therapies. She is an attentive listener and spends quality time with her clients.
Dr. Carlson loves the desert sunshine and is thrilled to have her practice based in Las Vegas!
“Mastering YOUR Optimal Diet” Webinar Benefits
- Know how to create your optimal diet
- Feel greater energy and sleep better
- Reach your optimal weight goals more easily.
- Experience less pain and illness.
- Experience improved mood and greater overall happiness.
“Mastering YOUR Optimal Diet” Webinar Notes
Our Agenda
- Scope of current Health Crisis
- Why the current Health Crisis
- Foods that are toxic to the body
- Common nutritional Myths
- How to eat healthy on a budget
- How to determine YOUR healthy diet
- The Pillars of health
We are having a HEATLH CRISIS!
- Diabetes and obesity affect more then 100 MILLION Americans.
- More than 50% of Americans are overweight, 33% are clinically obese
- Heart disease causes 4 out of 10 deaths in the US
- 1/3 of Americans have high blood pressure – which contributes to 800,000 strokes every year
- More than 36 million people are now living with dementia
- Depression is now the leading cause of disability, affecting more than 120 MILLION people worldwide
Why the current health crisis?
Our species evolved roughly 2 million years ago and were free of the modern diseases that devastate so many people.
Lived as hunter-gatherers – eating meat they hunted, fish they caught, vegetables, fruits and tubers along the way.
11,000 years ago – AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION Dramatically altered humans’ food supply. Humans started to stay put, planting crops and domesticating animals. Saw the introduction of grains, milk, and meat from domesticated animals.
In terms of evolution, 11,000 years is a very brief and not long enough for humans to adapt to this way of eating = GENETIC MISMATCH
Mass production allowed for items like white four, table sugar, vegetable oil, dairy products, and alcohol to be common items at every household.
Decrease in diversity of human diet around the world.
Today 80% of the world’s population lives on wheat, rice, corn, and potatoes.
People moved to cities, became more sedentary, and worked longer hours. Spending less time in sun and sleeping.
Foods that are Toxic to the Body
- Cereal Grains – wheat, corn, rice, barley, sorghum, oats, rye, millet
- Industrial seed oils – corn, cottonseed, soybean, safflower, sunflower, canola
- High fructose corn syrup
- Processed soy
Cereal Grains
CEREAL GRAINS – wheat, corn, rice, barley, sorghum, oats, rye, millet
Seeds of edible grasses.
While these are staples of the modern diet, we are not genetically adapted to eat these in large quantities.
Come from the seeds of plants
- Plants evolved mechanisms to protect themselves, since they can’t run from threats.
- Produce toxins to survive digestion, so they can be eliminated
- These toxins damage the lining of our digestive track, bind minerals preventing their absorption, and block the absorption of proteins.
GLUTEN – example of one of these toxins. Present in wheat and many other cereal grains.
Health Concerns Associated with Gluten
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Difficulties with concentration and memory
- Headaches
- Fatigue
- Joint and muscle pain
- Numbness and tingling in arms and legs
- Eczema or other skin rashes
- Depression
- Low grade inflammatory response – which is underlying root cause to MANY modern chronic diseases
Cereal Grains
Lack the following nutrients:
- Active Vitamin A
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin B12
Industrial Seed Oils
- Corn, cottonseed, soybean, safflower, sunflower, canola
- Were not part of our diet until recently. Wrongfully promoted as “heart-healthy” alternatives to saturated fat.
- Very high in omega-6 fatty acids which are associated with INFLAMMATION.
- Low intake of omega-3 fatty acids from seafood and fish. Omega-3’s are ANTI-INFLAMMATORY.
Inflammation is Associated with Nearly all Diseases
- Heart disease
- Type 2 diabetes
- Obesity
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Irritable bowel disease – Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Asthma
- Cancer
- Psychiatric disorders
- Autoimmune diseases – RA, MS, Lupus, etc
Processed Sugar
The average American eats 152 pounds of sugar each year!
Health effects associated with too much sugar are vast.
- Increase risk of cancer
- Increased risk for IBS and IBD
- Obesity, Prediabetes, Diabetes
High fructose corn syrup – found in processed foods, soda, other beverages. Also labeled as “corn sugar.”
Fructose is metabolized differently than glucose. It goes directly to the liver and is converted to fat.
Excessive fructose intake increases abdominal fat. Fat around the belly contributes to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high triglycerides.
Processed Soy
Processed soy is in nearly all packaged and processed food in many forms including:
- soy protein isolate
- soy flour
- soy lecithin
- soybean oil
- soy milk
Found in foods that comprise the bulk of the modern diet
- Breads
- Pastries
- Muffins
- Crackers
- Cookies
- Soda
- fruit juice
- fast food
- convenience foods
- Like gluten, soy contains toxins that are damaging to the gut lining.
- Most people can tolerate low doses, but most people eat way too much processed soy in the form of processed foods.
- Processed foods increase the risk for developing chronic disease.
- Problems with soy include
- Less absorption of minerals
- Increased requirement for vitamin D and B12
- Disrupts hormones – potentially impacting fertility and breast cancer risk
- Potential impact on the thyroid, especially in woman
Common Nutritional Myths
- Saturated Fat is Bad For You
- Cholesterol is bad and eggs are unhealthy
- To control your weight, the only effective method is counting calories
Saturated Fat is Bad For You
- We have been misled for several decades into believing that saturated fat is dangerous and contributes to heart disease.
- Sugar industry wanted us to believe that saturated fat, not sugar was the enemy.
- Hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils have replaced saturated oils in the standard western diet, in large part due to misinformation.
Over the last few years, scientists have uncovered the truth –
Saturated fats are good for us and are critical to the body.
Sugar and refined carbohydrates are more to blame for modern diseases.
Saturated fats to include in your diet
- lard, coconut oil, ghee, olive oil, almond oil, organic beef, organic dairy (if tolerated)
Cholesterol is Bad and Eggs are Unhealthy
For decades, it has been widely believe that eggs, because of their saturated fat and cholesterol content cause heart disease.
This is UNTRUE, with studies dating back to the 1980’s refuting the claim.
The truth is we need cholesterol to survive and eggs, as long as they are tolerated, have many health benefits.
- It is needed for survival
- Worry less about total cholesterol numbers and more focus more on HDL / LDL ratio and triglyceride levels.
- Recommended foods – grass-fed beef, dark chocolate, and eggs.
- QUALITY matters – best are organic free range, farm eggs or locally farmed eggs when possible.
- Contain Vitamin B, Vitamin E, Vitamin D, minerals, and antioxidants
To Control Your Weight, the Only Effective Method is Counting Calories
- This strategy does not work for most people.
- Your daily calorie intake does matter to some degree.
- If it’s too low, your body will shut down physiologically.
- Too much and you will likely gain weight.
- What is MORE important to focus on is the QUALITY of food, not just the quantity.
- The best way to lose weight – AND reduce disease risk, is to reduce your carbohydrate intake, especially refined carbohydrates while increasing healthy fats.
REDUCE refined carbohydrates and processed sugars
- Flour (grains) products, baked goods, pasta, processed foods
- INCREASE healthy fats
- High quality animal proteins
- High quality eggs
- Organic dairy
- Coconut oil
- Lard
- Ghee
- Olive oil
- Avocado oil
- Almond oil
How to Eat Healthy on a Budget
- Tip One :: Buy organic when possible and most risky
- Environmental Working Group – details pesticide content of non-organic produce.
- Top 5 offenders – strawberries, spinach, nectarines, apples, and peaches = BUY THESE ORGANIC
- CLEAN 15
- Top 5 clean items – avocados, sweet corn, pineapples, cabbage, onions = BUY THESE NON-ORGANIC
- Environmental Working Group – details pesticide content of non-organic produce.
- Meat – more complex, since organic is not the same as grass-fed or free
- Aim for grass-fed and free-range options if you can’t purchase organic meats
- Dairy – always purchase organic
- Conventional livestock are fed GMO soy and corn, feed is laced with hormones and antibiotics
- Tip Two – Buy ingredients, not premade food products
- Spend time each week planning meals
- Tip Three – Buy in bulk and share
- Bulk options at a local store for things like coconut oil, olive oil, canned tomatoes
- Try a cow share – a group of friends purchase a whole cow
- Consider joining a CSA farm where you can access local produce for less than at the store
- Tip Four – choose cheaper cuts of meat
- Brisket, short ribs, rib steak, chuck roast, oxtail, shanks, 25% fat ground meat.
- Less expensive than boneless, skinless cuts. Offsets the added expense of grass-fed and organic products
How to Determine YOUR Healthy Diet
There is no one size fits all when it comes to diet!
My clinical approach is a three step process.
STEP ONE – Paleo Metabolic Reset Diet
- Eliminates modern foods that contribute to weight gain and health problems, such as cereal grains, industrial seed oils, processed sugar, and processed soy.
- Emphasizes CLEAN eating
STEP TWO – Restore
- Reintroduce appropriate foods and learn how they impact YOU
STEP THREE – Revitalize
- Macronutrient ratios
- Intermittent fasting
- Flexibility – 80/20 rule
Get Started Today! For 30 Days…
- Meat and poultry – organic and free-range
- Fish
- Salmon, sardines etc. Wild preferably
- Eggs – free-range, organic preferably
- Vegetables
- Yams, sweet potatoes, plantains
- Non-starchy vegetables
- Fermented veggies – sauerkraut, kimchi, coconut kefir
- Healthy fats – coconut oil, ghee, lard, olive oil
- All grains and products made from grains.
- Wheat, rice, cereal, oats, quinoa, rye etc.
- Bread, pasta, pizza
- Idustrial Seed Oils
- Soybean, corn, safflower, sunflower, peanut, cottonseed, canola etc.
- Sugar
- High fructose corn syrup, sugar, corn syrup, artificial sweeteners
- Processed Soy
- Soy sauce, tofu, packaged foods
“I can’t believe I don’t have back pain any more.”
“I no longer have heart burn or reflux.”
“I have finally started to lose weight.”
“My energy is so much better.”
“I feel so much better, I don’t want to have gluten again.”
Benefits of Optimal Health & Optimal Nutrition
- PHYSICAL : improved energy, less pain, deeper & better quality sleep, increased movement / exercise
- MENTAL : more positive outlook, feel better about ourselves and our body. More peace of mind, less distress about our health.
- EMOTIONAL : eating healthy is EMPOWERING. Able to manage every day stressors better. More available for personal growth and developing deeper and stronger connections with others. Improved relationships with loved ones.
- SOCIAL : When we feel better – have more energy, less pain, overall improved sense of self, more available to participate in social activities, community, engaging with children.
- SPIRITUAL : Less living day to day, less overwhelm, less stress creates the mental space and capacity to pursue spiritual practices.
Contact Information:
Dr. Angela Carlson, ND
- Phone : 702-847-5377
- Email : drangelacarlsonnd@gmail.com
- Website : drangelacarlson.com
- Address : 5594 S. Ft Apache Rd #110, Las Vegas, NV 89148