Overcoming the Impact of Fear
Many people do not know how to identify the energy of an emotion that is fear based. In this presentation you will become aware of how you store and create disruptive energy fields of emotion and how to resolve the disruptive energy with simple Awareness Techniques.
In this webinar you will learn about the impact of fear and solutions to resolve fear including:
- The effects of acute fear
- The effects of chronic fear
- Understanding the conditioning of fear
- Two types of disruptive emotional energy
- The difference between your story and energy
- What are painful emotions
- What are reactive emotions
- A simple way to understand emotions
- Learn two ways to resolve fear quickly and easily
Benefits of Attending This Webinar:
- Increase awareness of disruptive emotional energy when it occurs.
- Know how to identify what kind of emotional energy is happening.
- Know how to access your unique Pure Awareness state.
- Know how to resolve the disruptive energy and return to a neutral space to be completely present.
Who is Holly McClenahan?
Holly McClenahan, RN, CTH, HSE, TRS, Bioresonance and Trauma Resolution Practitioner is a Certified Tribal Healer and is President of Harmony Health in Las Vegas, NV. Holly is a master of assessment. She finds energetic disturbances, their sources and the interventions required for resolution. She uses the knowledge of the connection between your energy and your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual state of being and moves you into a state of harmony and wellness. Holly has 40 years of experience in the healing field. She began her career as a nurse, first, working as a nursing assistant in geriatrics starting at age 14. She graduated from the University of KY and obtained her Registered Nurse license in 1978. She maintained a CCRN license as a neurosurgical/trauma ICU nurse at Loma Linda University Medical Center in Loma Linda, CA and at Barrow Neurological Institute at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Phoenix, AZ. In 1992 after a severe illness which included post-traumatic stress, seizures, and a near death experience, she deepened her personal search for healing. She now uses energy techniques based in quantum physics, Native American traditions, ancient healing traditions, and innovative technology. She began her studies in energy medicine in 1992 and since 1996 has owned her own practice. Holly has been a teacher throughout her career; first training nurses in ICU, then as a national and international trainer for BICOM and Bioresonance Technology, and now in classes of her own design. Holly spent 10 years studying with Native American, Serge Running Wolf Martel, who ordained Holly as a Golden Eagle Minister and trained her as a Shamanic Touch Practitioner, Reiki Master and teacher. Holly attended the Institute of Regulatory Medicine in Munich, Germany, and is a Bioresonance Practitioner. She managed New Hope Clinic, a specialized bioresonance cancer clinic, in Tijuana, Mexico, that treated cancer patients and chronic illnesses. Holly is trained as a Trauma Resolution Specialist and Inner Greatness Coach to assist in resolution of mental, emotional and spiritual issues, including PTSD, depression and anxiety. She is continually expanding her studies to bring new technologies to her clients.
Webinar Slides
Webinar Notes
Overcoming The Impact of Fear
Solutions to Resolve Fear
Fight or Flight
- Breathing increase
- Heart rate increase
- Peripheral blood vessels constrict
- Central blood vessels dilate
- Muscles pumped with blood, even at hair follicle causing piloerection
- Glucose levels increase
- Calcium and red blood cells levels increase
- Blood pressure increases
- Reduced activity in the stomach and intestines
- Tears and saliva inhibited
Chronic Fear
- Weakens the immune system
- Cardiovascular Damage
- Headaches
- Panic anxiety attacks
- Depression
- Phobias
- Gastrointestional damage such as ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome
- Decreased fertility
- Accelerated aging
- Premature death
The sequence of how you are fear based conditioned:
- You first have the traumas, such as, frequently being overwhelmed, not getting needs met, separation, pain
- These experiences immediately produce fears
- Because these experiences happen many times and the fear reactions happen over and over again, you become deeply conditioned to make decisions and take actions based on your fear
- This produces conditioning and conditioning results in habits
“Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another.”
-Albert Einstein
That means the energy of fear cannot be destroyed, but it can be transformed. The truth of the matter is simple. The energy of fear and the energy of love are both just energy vibrating at different frequencies and through your intent you can shift the energy that feels stagnant, uncomfortable or heavy and make it golden, loving and light.
Two types of disruptive emotional energy
- Painful emotions
- Reactive emotions
Painful emotions
- too much for you to process when they happened.
- You couldn’t complete the experience of your emotional reaction.
- These energies are localized and feel like a tight knot or ball of energy inside of you.
Reactive Emotions
Reactions to stories that we make up in our mind and don’t exist anywhere other than in our mind.
When you feel the energy of the emotion you create the content or story to go with it.
When we suppress the emotions we don’t want, we decrease our ability to feel any emotion, like love, affection, or intimacy.
EXPECTATIONS: How we want life to show up
PROJECTIONS: Negative outcome in the future
Emotions that are reactions to stories we make up in our mind and don’t exist anywhere other than in our mind.
“Seek to follow your on inner guidance and in doing so, you will bless all of life.”
-Mashubl Rochell
Holly McClenahan, RN, CTH, Inner Greatness Coach
Harmony Health
Las Vegas, NV