Your Subconscious Holds the Key to Transforming Your Weight
Millions of people struggle with weight management, despite spending countless money on all types of weight loss methods and merchandise. If this is you, then you likely have subconscious obstacles and blocks to losing the weight. You may even be unconsciously self-sabotaging. Discover how these obstacles and blocks will be transformed with Hypnotherapy, so that you love and value the body you live in.
In This Webinar You Will Learn…
- How to identify subconscious blocks and obstacles.
- Are you self-sabotaging your own weight loss?
- Discover what subconscious “purpose” keeping the weight on could be serving.
- Find out why you aren’t motivated to lose the weight and exercise?
- Learn how carrying all those extra unwanted pounds affect you in the area of the 5 Pillars of Health & Wellness.
- Explore the power of hypnotherapy to remove the subconscious blocks quickly and efficiently, reframing the subconscious to desire all around health and wellness.
Benefits of Attending This Webinar
- Discover if you have subconscious blocks to losing weight.
- Learn how extra weight may be unconsciously protecting you in areas you may not even be aware of.
- Discover how to release the unwanted pounds and feel good in your own skin.
- Have a greater understanding of how quickly hypnotherapy changes the subconscious and empowers your mind and body, so that you can live a life more aligned with the lifestyle you desire.
Who is Loya Riggan?
Loya Riggan, CH, Hypnotherapist & NLP Practitioner, owner of Dynamic Mindset Hypnosis in Las Vegas, is a certified consulting hypnotist and NLP practitioner with the National Guild of Hypnotists. She serves clients all over the globe – Poland, France and Australia as well as across the U.S.A. After over 20 years in corporate America, Loya launched Dynamic Mindset Hypnosis towards fulfillment of her life-long dream of offering this powerful healing service to people who have experienced trauma and abuse. Loya’s mission is to help others live their best life possible by working together to overcome the impact of the trauma and abuse such as weight blocks, anxiety & panic, self-limiting & negative thought patterns, fear of life and somatic physical pain in order to be free and live in an abundance of health and happiness, while loving their life and, most importantly, themselves! Loya helps people unleash their greatest life possible!
Webinar Slides
Webinar Notes
Permanently Transform Your Weight by Identifying & Eliminating Subconscious Obstacles and Blocks
with Loya Riggan,
Certified Consulting Hypnotherapist
Millions of people struggle with weight management, despite spending countless money on all types of weight loss methods, gym memberships and fitness merchandise.
If this sounds like you then you likely have subconscious obstacles and blocks to losing the weight.
You may even be unconsciously self-sabotaging your own weight loss.
The Subconscious Part of the Mind
The subconscious mind is like a computer and it runs on programming. lt does not stop to evaluate whether something is good or not, as it functions automatically. The subconscious is filled with information and patterns gleaned from family, school, environment and self-input from our earliest age of life to the current day.
Identifying Subconscious Blocks and Obstacles
- Food habits
- Negative self-beliefs
- Emotional stress
- Childhood patterns
- Trauma
- And many more…
Are You Self-Sabotaging Your Own Weight Loss?
Excuses we give ourselves:
- “It will take too much work”
- “It costs too much”
- “I don’t have the time”
- “I have too much weight to lose and it will take too long”
- “I don’t want to give up the food l love”
- “Eating makes me feel better”
- “I’ll feel deprived”
- “I don’t like salads and veggies”
- “I hate exercise”
- “I don’t want to eat different food than my spouse”
Discover the Subconscious “Purpose” Keeping the Weight on Could Be Serving
Protection: Physical, mental & spiritual
- Comfortableness – Being overweight and out of shape is more comfortable than the work it takes to be thin and fit
- Identity – An inability to identify with being a thin fit person
- Fear of the Unknown – Our subconscious mind loves the familiar and fears change
How the 5 Pillars of Optimal Health are Affected by Carrying the Extra Unwanted Pounds on Your Physical Being
- Physical – Frequent ongoing physical illness and ailments related to the weight.
- Mental – Mental sluggishness, foggy brain, reduced motivation, etc.
- Emotional – Feelings of not being good enough, lack of confidence, low self-esteem, etc.
- Social – The weight may contribute to social anxiety, shyness, and isolation due the fear of not looking attractive in front of friends or potential romantic partners.
- Spiritual – Feelings of not being good enough may contribute to feelings of feeling unworthy of a loving relationship with the creator. There may even be feelings of anger that God has allotted the person a life of being overweight and unfit, when so many others do not have the same weight struggles.
The Awesome Power of Hypnotherapy Removes Subconscious Blocks, Obstacles and Self-Sabotage Quickly and Efficiently
Powerful Suggestions I’ve Personally Used:
- Desire to eat healthy carbs, lean proteins, and natural fats and sugar
- Extreme dislike of sugar, chocolate and dessert
- Virtual Gastric Bypass procedure performed
- Urge to use only saucers and salad plates with smaller portions at mealtime
- A deep love for themselves and their body
- An ability to eat far less and be full and satisfied
- Elimination of snacking
- An urge to move their body more and exercise daily
- A sense of deep self-worth, confidence and self-esteem
- And many, many more….
It’s honestly endless what hypnosis can be used for!
Loya Riggan, CH
Hypnotherapist & NLP Practitioner
Take This Self Test
Do you eat for the following reasons?
Self-Reward: __no __sometimes __often
Feeling Happy: __no __sometimes __often
Feeling Bored: __no __sometimes __often
Feeling Stressed: __no __sometimes __often
Feeling Angry: __no __sometimes __often
Annoyed: __no __sometimes __often
Feeling Upset: __no __sometimes __often
Frustrated: __no __sometimes __often
Disappointed: __no __sometimes __often
Anxious/Nervous: __no __sometimes __often
Feeling Worried: __no __sometimes __often
Feeling Fear: __no __sometimes __often
Vulnerable: __no __sometimes __often
Feeling Empty: __no __sometimes __often
Depressed: __no __sometimes __often
Discouraged: __no __sometimes __often
Feeling Useless: __no __sometimes __often
Feeling Lonely: __no __sometimes __often
Feeling Grief: __no __sometimes __often
Feeling Defeated: __no __sometimes __often
Feeling Hopeless: __no __sometimes __often
Now that you’ye identified which emotions trigger the eating, be conscious of how you deal with this/these emotions moving forward. Is there a better way you can address the emotion such as journaling, meditating, exercising or taking a walk? Awareness of why you eat outside of real hunger is the key to getting a handle on emotional eating!
Good luck and YOU’VE GOT THIS!!!
lf you struggle with weight loss, discover how to release the unwanted pounds and feel good in your own skin ~
These are my suggestions on quick, healthy weight management:
- Hypnosis with a professional
- Daily self-hypnosis in order to stay in the desired frame of mind
- Meditation & visualization on achieving the optimal weight, size and health
- Mirror work and other methods of learning to love oneself
- Get out in nature daily
How quickly and efficiently does hypnotherapy change the subconscious and empower your mind, body and spirit, so that you may live the lifestyle you desire permanently?
American Health Magazine reported on a study they performed that compared Psychoanalysis, Behavior Therapy, and Hypnotherapy.
The AMAZING findings were as follows:
Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions
Behavior Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions
Hypnotherapy: 93% recovery after 6 sessions
Hypnotherapist & NLP Practitioner
Phone: 702-802-1291