What are toxins? How are toxins in your diet and in your environment affecting you as you read this? How are toxins negatively impacting your health and the health of those you most care about this very minute? How are toxins negatively impacting nearly every function of your body? In this webinar we’ll take a close look at these and other important questions involving our daily exposure to toxins and discuss strategies for reducing our exposure to toxins so we can live a longer and healthier life.
In this webinar you will learn…
- What are toxins?
- Where are toxins lurking in your daily life?
- How your exposure to toxins can be detrimental your health.
- Steps you can take to minimize your exposure to toxins.
- A few toxin free “recipes” to incorporate into your routine.
Benefits of attending this webinar: You will…
- Acquire increased knowledge of the sources of toxins.
- Learn how to significantly reduce your exposure and improve your health.
- Be equipped to make changes to your home and personal care products to improve the health of yourself and your family.
- In short, have a basic roadmap for ridding yourself and those you love of damaging toxins in order to achieve your optimal health!
Who is Michele Ciancimino?
Michele Ciancimino is a Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist/ Holistic Health Coach and a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She designs custom nutrition plans for busy individuals based on their unique DNA. Michele made a career change from the legal profession where she was an attorney to the health and wellness field after her 2-year-old daughter was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis, a life-threatening genetic disease that mainly affects the lungs and the digestion. Terrified with this diagnosis, she began to ask herself, “What if I could make a difference in my daughter’s health by making changes to the way we were eating?” She researched alternatives to the long list of drugs that had been recommended. Her research included healthy foods, homeopathic medicine, herbs and other holistic approaches to health. As a result, Michele changed the way she was taking care of her family and began to see changes. They all had more energy, less moody behavior and the best part-less frequent sickness! Her daughter is now 25 and doing well. Saddened by the thought of the generation of unhealthy kids being raised who will turn into unhealthy adults if something doesn’t change, Michele devoted her life to bringing a holistic health approach to people struggling with chronic illness or frustrated by their appearance, lack of energy and unsuccessful attempts to reach and maintain their ideal weight and health. Her easy to follow “Click and Choose” programs, along with her personalized lifestyle coaching, allow each individual to transform their health in a way that feels effortless. Michele’s passions are cooking healthy food for friends and family, sharing her love for essential oils, daily workouts and meditation.
Schedule a complimentary consultation:
(702) 482-9163 GoodnessGirl.com Michele@goodnessgirl.com https://www.facebook.com/thegoodnessgirl/ https://www.instagram.com/thegoodnessgirl/
Webinar Slides
Webinar Notes
The Value and Strategy of Detoxification
What Are Toxins?
- Defined as poisonous substances that are capable of causing disease when introduced into body tissues
- Air
- Food/Metals/Chemicals/Pesticides
- Chemicals in personal care and cleaning products
- EMFs
- Exposure to high volume of toxins can impair ability of immune system to fight invaders
Toxic Load
- Toxic Load= the volume of toxins accumulated in the body at a given time and the burden they place on body systems and organs.
- Body becomes overwhelmed
- Stores toxins in fat tissue
Dangers of Toxic Exposure
- Exposure of a high volume of toxins can impair the ability of the immune system to fight invaders
- Hormone disruption (lowered sperm count and other thyroid and reproductive issues)
- Liver and kidney damage
- Respiratory complications
- Diabetes (built up toxins increase risk)
- Autoimmune disease
- Cancer
Awareness is Key!
Where Are Toxins in My Home and Personal Care Products
- Air fresheners
- Polishing or scouring products
- Surface cleaners
- Insecticides
- Deodorant
- Perfumes and soaps
- Cosmetics
- Moisturizers
- Hair care products
- Toothpaste/mouthwash
- Nail polish
Common Toxins to Avoid in Personal Care Products
- BHA/BHT (carcinogenic preservative in beauty products and food )
- Coal tar (shampoo and psoriasis cream-lung and liver cancer, DNA mutations)
- Formaldehyde in nail polish & remover, eyelash gel, soap, hair dye-linked to cancer
- PEGs (polyethylene glycol), used as a thickener in cosmetics (linked to DNA damage)
- Triclosan, found in anti-bacterial soaps & gels (endocrine disruptor and linked to liver damage)
- Parabens hormone disruptors (mimic estrogen)
- Phthalates, in fragrances (known to mimic estrogen and alter metabolism leading to weight gain. Bind to insulin receptors & lead to insulin resistance)
Toxins to Avoid in Cleaning Products
- Ammonia
- Chlorine in bleach (leads to thyroid disruption and possible disorders)
- Petroleum based products
- Sodium Hydroxide
- Perchcloroethylene (PERC)
- Parabens
- Triclosan
Plastics and Cookware
Use only stainless steel or glass for cooking
Plastic containers – BPA leaches into food destroying the trace minerals
BPA responsible for kidney and respiratory damage, cancer, diabetes and birth defects
Store food in glass containers only and do not eat from food served in plastic
Some Alarming Statistics
Babies today are born with approximately 280 chemicals in their bodies passed on from mom (180 are known carcinogens, 200 are neruotoxins)
European Union has banned 1,300 chemicals from use in cosmetics. The U.S has banned just 11
Modest estimates suggest we are exposed to 700,000 chemicals on a daily basis
Recent research reveals two times more mercury in the environment than previously thought ( in batteries, fluorescent light bulbs, LCDs, latex paint)
Take the “Are You Toxic” quiz
Ask yourself:
- Do you drink soda or energy drinks?
- Do you use Teflon cookware?
- Do you use over the counter medications or antibiotics?
- Do you store food in plastic containers?
- Do you use conventional cosmetics and cleaning products?
- Do you suffer from brain fog, constipation or low energy?
If you answered yes to any of these, you could benefit from a detox
What is detoxification?
Do I need a detox program?
Detoxification refers to a process of making significant lifestyle changes to clear the body of toxins and optimize functioning of the body systems and processes.
We are all exposed to toxins, some of which we cannot control, like air pollution, water and pesticides, so everyone can benefit from cleansing the body and making appropriate lifestyle changes to minimize exposure.
How To Reduce Exposure to Toxins
There are ways to reduce the toxic load, or burden, on your body:
- Exercise/meditation
- Better food choices (EWG Dirty Dozen)
- Replace traditional cleaning and personal care products (consider DIY)
- Elimination diet, green juices, raw foods
- Dry brushing
- Lots of water
How does the body detoxify?
- Liver
- Kidneys
- Colon
- Lungs
- Skin
Find the best produce and beauty products
- EWG.org
- Best resource for analyzing products for safety
- Dirty Dozen:
- EWG.org/skindeep
- Think Dirty App
Citrus Essential Oil
Contain limonene which aids the body in detoxification
Limonene also supports healthy respiratory, immune, gastrointestinal & cellular function as well as healthy metabolism, liver and colon
Add 2 drops to your drinking water
All-Purpose Cleaning Spray
This spray can be used to clean everything.
Combine all of the ingredients in a 24 oz spray bottle. Spray on any areas that need a good cleaning.
The vinegar, which is antibacterial, will help remove mildew and mold.
- 1 cup white vinegar
- 1 tablespoon castile soap
- 2 cups water
- 3-4 drops essential oil of your choice
DIY Hand Sanitizing Gel
- 1 cup Aloe Vera gel
- 4 tsp. isopropyl alcohol (60%)
- 12 drops On Guard oil
- 8 drops Lemon oil
- 8 drops Wild Orange oil
Mix in 12 oz bottle
Contact Michele Ciancimino
(702) 48 2- 9163
Learn more about Michele Ciancimino
- 14 Day Detox
- 14 days of clean eating
- Recipes and sample menus
- Rest and reset the digestive system
- Jumpstart weight loss
- Feel more energy
- Create and maintain new healthy habits